Scott Sturgeon
Associate Professor of Practice
Department of Educational Administration University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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TEAC 141
Lincoln NE 68588-0360 - Phone
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Dr. Sturgeon earned a B.A., M.A. in Education with a Specialization in Comprehensive Arts Education, a Graduate Certificate in Urban Schools, and an Ed.D. from the University of Nebraska Omaha. He earned his M.A. in Educational Leadership from Doane University.
Dr. Sturgeon has served in a host of roles in education, beginning his career as a paraprofessional and teacher associate before serving as a fifth grade teacher at Catlin Arts Magnet School in Omaha. He also served as assistant principal at Dundee Elementary and as principal at Catlin Arts Magnet and Central Park Elementary. Since 2017, he served as an Executive Director and Principal Supervisor, providing coaching and supervision to more than 20 principals in various settings and levels across the Omaha Public Schools. He has co-led the OPS New Principal Institute and served as the district contact for the Wallace Foundation Principal Pipeline Professional Learning Community. Dr. Sturgeon is also co-author of the 2019 book, Yeah, but what about this kid? Tier 3 behavior interventions that work. In June 2021, Dr. Holman launched a new podcast series, Lead Big REd with Dr. Holman.
Ed.D., Educational Administration, University of Nebraska Omaha, 2015
M.A., Educational Leadership, Doane College, 2007
Graduate Certificate in Instruction in Urban Schools, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2005
M.A., Education with a Specialization in Comprehensive Arts Education, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2002
B.S., Education ,University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2000
Areas of Expertise
- Principalship
- Principal Mentoring
- Principal Supervision
- Instructional Leadership & School Improvement Planning
- School Culture and Student Behavior
Teaching and Advising
Dr. Scott Sturgeon joined the department as an associate professor of practice in P-12 school leadership. As a new faculty member, his interests include school improvement, school climate, and culture, urban education, instructional leadership, systems-level leadership.
Select Publications
- Dearborn, G., & Sturgeon, S. (2019).Yeah, but what about this kid? Tier 3 behavior interventions that work. Fairfax: Conscious Teaching LLC.
- Sturgeon, S. (2015). Investigation of mentoring for instructional leadership within an educational consortium.
- 2020-Present, Associate Professor of Practice, Educational Administration, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
- 2017-2020, Executive Director, School Support & Supervision, Omaha Public Schools
- 2013-2017, Principal, Central Park Elementary
- 2009-2013, Principal, Catlin Arts Magnet
- 2007-2009, Assistant Principal, Dundee Elementary School
- 2001-2007, Fifth Grade Teacher, Catlin Arts MagnetSpring
- 2001, Teacher Associate, Crestridge Magnet Center