EDPS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Information about our Counseling and School Psychology Clinic (CSPC) can be found here.

Prospective Students

Contacting the Department:

Q: How can I get in touch with a faculty member in the Department of Educational Psychology?

A: Faculty in our department do not have individual telephone numbers. If you would like to get in touch with one of our faculty members or instructors, please send them an email.


Q: I am interested in learning more about the department. Can I meet with someone to tour the department and ask some questions? 

A: Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to accommodate individual tour requests. The best place to start your learning journey is our website, including our program handbooks. If you have any further questions about your prospective program, please contact us at unledpsych@unl.edu


Q: I was accepted into your program! How do I register for classes? What do I need to do before starting the program?

A: Congratulations! The best course of action is to reach out to your advisor to form your plan of studies. If you are unsure of who to contact, please email Jules (jmeyers19@unl.edu) and they will connect you to your advisor. Additionally, please see this arrival checklist provided by the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS): https://graduate.unl.edu/relocate/arrival-checklist. It is imperative to obtain and activate your Husker email account prior to registering for classes. All university related communication must come from your UNL email address.


Application Process:

Q: What application materials are required?

A: Each program has slightly different requirements. Please see this website for details.


Q: Do you require the GRE? 

A: We do not require GRE Scores as part of the application process.


Q: Is there a minimum GPA required to apply?

A: There is not a minimum GPA required to apply to the program; however, some fellowship opportunities require a minimum GPA of 3.5 to be considered.


Q: Is there a way to waive my application fee?

A: The Department of Educational Psychology does not offer application fee waivers.


Q: Is your program available online?

A: No. While some classes may occasionally be offered online, students within EDPS are required to attend classes in-person on campus.


Q: What type of degree will I earn upon completion of my program?

A: Students who graduate from the Department of Educational Psychology earn MA, Ed.S., and PhD degrees in Educational Psychology


Q: What is your acceptance rate?

A: This varies year to year. Every application is evaluated on the same criteria, and our cohort size varies depending on space in the department. In August 2024, our incoming graduate cohort was comprised of 26 Masters, Ed.S., and PhD students across our 4 programs.


Q: Is there a prompt for the personal statement portion of the application? Is there a word count or page limit?

A: Personal statements do not have a prompt, nor a page limit. These statements are an opportunity to not only express your interest in our department, but also tell us the why behind your passions and goals. The Personal Statement is also a great chance to mention faculty members you would potentially like to work with whose research aligns with your interests.


Q: What is the deadline to submit my application?

A: Each program has slightly different application deadlines. Please visit your program's webpage for more information pertaining to deadlines for applications.


Q:  I am a newly admitted international student. What type of paperwork is required for me to attend UNL?

A: Please visit the office of Graduate Studies’ website on Finances & Visa Forms. There you will find information on what visas and paperwork are required. You will also see a chart outline estimate expenses for the academic year. Additional information for international applicants can be found here.


Q: Am I able to attend your program part-time?

A: The answer differs program to program. For example, in some circumstances, Counseling Psychology MA students may be able to enroll part-time, but the minimum time to earn a degree is 3 calendar years. PhD students in Counseling Psychology cannot enroll part-time. Please contact the program director for your prospective program prior to applying to learn more. All potential part-time enrollment should be discussed with the program director prior to accepting your offer of admission.


Finances & Funding:

Q: What is the average cost per year to attend graduate school in Nebraska?

A: This depends on several factors, including residency. Fees change annually, and some classes have specific fees to cover materials and test kits. We recommend checking out the UNL tuition page, available HERE.


Q: I got my offer of admission, but I didn't receive a funding letter. Why is that?

A: Admission to the Department of Educational Psychology does not guarantee funding via assistantship. It is the responsibility of each student to pursue funding for their degree.


Q: What assistantships are available? How many hours are required? What responsibilities are involved, and is tuition credit included?

A: Some years have many assistantship offerings, and some years we have fewer assistantships available. The workload ranges from 13-19.6 hours each week (0.33-0.49FTE) and include up to 12 hours of resident & non-resident tuition per semester plus 79% of a student’s individual student health insurance. The responsibilities vary across research, teaching, and support work. The best place to find the most updated information regarding available assistantships in our department is on our Assistantships Webpage HERE.


Q: Am I able to have an assistantship in a department other than EDPS?

A: Yes! Many EDPS Graduate Students have applied for and been awarded assistantships in the Office of Graduate Studies, Educational Administration, and other departments across campus.


Q: Are fellowships available?

A: Information regarding fellowships offered by UNL’s Office of Graduate Studies can be found HERE. Students recveiving a fellowship must be fully admitted to a program and registered as full-time students. Additionally, each program area in the department has some individual program & travel fellowships that are available and determined on a year-to-year basis, depending on the source and availability of funds. If you are admitted to one of our graduate programs, please contact your advisor for more information on potential fellowships.


Current Students

Q: Where can I find the deadlines to submit my graduate paperwork?

A: Please visit the Office of Graduate Studies website to find your Steps to Program Completion.


Q: How do I gather my necessary signatures for my graduate paperwork?
A: All graduate-level paperwork and appropriate signatures are the responsibility of each student to collect. The easiest way to obtain all necessary signatures for your documents is through DocuSign. Students, Staff, and Faculty can request a no-cost Sending License HERE.


Q: I need the Graduate Chair to sign my forms. Who is the Graduate Chair for EDPS?

A: Dr. Scott Napolitano is the Graduate Chair for our department. Please route all forms requiring a signature from the Graduate Chair directly to Scott. 


Q: I need to register for a class, but I keep getting a pop up saying there is an error with my registration. Can you help me?

A: Some classes may require a permission code in order to register for the course. This permission can only be granted by the instructor. Please utilize our Course Access Request System (CARS) to request a permission code. You can find CARS under the “Current Student Support” tab on our website. If you do not see your course or instructor listed in CARS, please email the instructor directly with your request to enroll and cc Zee Cronin (mcronin6@unl.edu). Should the instructor approve, Zee will generate a permission number for you.