Fellowship Application Form - Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders

In order for applications to be considered, submit the following during the open application period of Oct. 2 through April 20:
• Completed application form
• Resume

Application becomes available after October 2. 

Assigned when an individual begins application for graduate program.
-street -apt. # -city -state -zip
-street -apt. # -city -state -zip
current number, xxx-xxx-xxxx
For each institution beginning with post-secondary schooling, include: city/state, year(s), major, degree earned, cumulative GPA, GPA from most recent semester.
Academic Program Required
Have you been admitted to UNL's graduate program? Required
If already admitted, please note the first semester and year you began your graduate program. If waiting to be admitted, please note the semester and year you plan to begin.
Which semester(s) do you plan to be enrolled in next year? Required
Check all that apply.
How many credit hours do you expect to be enrolled in next year?
Graduation Plans
Do you plan to graduate before August 2025? Required
If yes, when will you graduate? Required
Audiology: Program Plan Required
Select all that apply.
Special Education: Program Plan Required
Select all that apply.
Area of study in which you are most interested Required
For current and prospective Special Education graduate students only
Speech-Language Pathology: Program Plan Required
Select all that apply.
What type of tuition will you pay during the upcoming semester or academic year? Required
Will you be employed during the upcoming semester or academic year? Required
Have you filed the FAFSA for the upcoming semester or academic year? Required
List Type of Financial Aid and Amount. You must include all scholarships, grants, stipends, fellowships, projects, graduate assistantships, work-study employment, loans, book/tuition funding, and any other sources of funding.
Please include specific detailed examples.
Upload your resume here Required
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx.
By typing my initials in this box, I certify the information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If asked by an authorized official, I agree to provide proof of the information I have stated in this application.