All applicants for financial aid in the Department of Special Education & Communication Disorders must fill out an online application form.
Graduate Fellowships
Prospective, newly admitted, or currently enrolled graduate students are encouraged to apply for departmental fellowships by filling out the appropriate application form. Submission deadline is April 20, 2025. Awards will be announced via US Mail no sooner than May 15, 2025. The following requirements apply:
You must be applying for or admitted to a graduate degree program, professional degree program, or graduate-level endorsement program in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders.
Information made available to the Scholarship Committee will be treated in confidence in accordance with university policies and procedures. Application records will be destroyed when the applicant graduates.
Applicants must apply each year to be considered for Departmental Fellowship monies.
Department Fellowships Application
Graduate Assistantships
A small number of Graduate Assistantships (GAs) are awarded on a competitive basis each semester. The actual number awarded to master's and/or doctoral students is dependent upon budget allocations for the year and existing projects.
Special Education GA Application
Communication Disorders GA Application
Grant Funding
The following grant funding opportunities are currently available to graduate students:
Mid-Plains Professional Upgrade Partnership – Visual Impairments (MPUP-VI)
Designing and Providing Academic Interventions (Special Education Ph.D.)
Tuition and Fees
Full tuition and fee information:
To assist you:
Jill England,, 402-472-2141
Additional information: