The Changing Face of Germany: Integrating Immigrants
Ali Moeller and Jim Benes received a grant from The German Embassy in Washington DC to explore the issue of Germany’s migration/immigration and the changing face of Germany through a series of events hosted on the UNL campus during the week of October 22-26, 2018. The Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education has identified immigration and migration as a central theme in their research, teaching and service, making this topic an ideal match for viewing this issues from a non-US perspective.
Having the opportunity to feature Germany, in this case Germany-Integrating Immigrants, would allow us to make and build connections between immigration issues in Nebraska and Germany. Each day during the week of October 22-26, 2018, events took place focused on an aspect of migration/immigration. A representative from the German Embassy provided an introduction and lead a discussion focused on a poster exhibition consisting of 30+ posters featuring stories of German immigration; a movie (Die Fremde/When We Leave), was shown at the Ross Theater followed by a discussion; panels, classroom integration, and round table discussions featuring local experts on the topic of immigration round out the rest of the week.