Dual Language Panel
On Monday, April 19, 2021, dual language experts from across Nebraska came together to discuss successes, possibilities and challenges of implementing dual language programs in the state from 5-6:30 p.m. on Zoom (read about the event here and here). Over 50 people from across Nebraska attended. The event was hosted by the Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education, and the M3 Initiative at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. It was part of a graduate course taught by Dr. Theresa Catalano called “Foundations of dual language education”. Graduate students from the class helped translate for, recruit participants, and moderate the event. Some of the challenges discussed during the panel included staffing and curriculum design. Overall, 11 panelists provided much evidence for the incredible benefit of these programs for their students. Some of these benefits included advanced intercultural abilities of students, the way in which bilingual programs open the perspectives of students, the ability to maintain family ties, academic achievement, and increased cognitive abilities. Future possibilities were also discussed in terms of expanding dual language programs to reach more cities/towns in Nebraska and expanding current programs to include higher grade levels.
TLTE faculty and staff, graduate students, and dual language teachers, administrators, stakeholders from across Nebraska
Camille Anderson, María Perez-Mozaz, Katy Cattlett, Heather Bebout, Angie Gonzalez-Smith, Evelyn Recinos-Menendez, Lisa Terrell, Liliana Arrieta, Heidi Quintanilla, Gabi Meza, Jennifer Hoffsommer
Graduate Students:
Alexa Yunes, Leonardo Brandolini, Héctor Palala, Michaela Nickell, Dan Moran
Dual Language Schools Represented:
Omaha Public Schools (Spring Lake Elementary), Omaha Catholic Dual Language Academy, Lexington Public Schools, Schuyler Elementary School