Language, Migration, and Education: Cultivating Linguistic Diversity Conference
When: September 8-9, 2023
The Language, Migration, and Education conference represents an effort to turn our focus to issues of migration and education, and in particular, linguistic rights, bi/multiliteracies, Indigenous language revitalization, multilingual pedagogies such as translanguaging, transnational migration and schooling, colonial legacies, war, conflict and education, and climate change and its impact on migration. Before the conference on September 8 Dr. Ofelia García gave a talk open to the public regarding the conference theme of language, migration, education and cultivating linguistic and cultural diversity and focused on translanguaging. Audience members were invited to dialog about the theory and pedagogy and ask questions to Dr. García about translanguaging given she is considered THE expert in the field in this area. The official conference opened on September 9 with a keynote address by Dr. García that aligned with the conference theme (and focused on critical translanguaging) followed by two hour-long sessions of 15 total individual research presentations by students and faculty from across Nebraska and the US. After lunch, the conference concluded with an international panel featuring graduate students from TLTE hailing from countries such as Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Guatemala, Ecuador, China, Iran, and Iraq. gave a talk open to the public regarding the conference theme of language, migration, education and cultivating linguistic and cultural diversity at 5 p.m. Dr. García has agreed to be keynote speaker and give a public talk.
There were 86 registered participants hailing from across Nebraska, Texas, Kansas, other countries such as Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Guatemala, Ecuador, China, Iran, and Iraq. Presenters included Hannah Rethmeier, Ted Hamann, Sandra Rodríguez-Arroyo, Mayra Martínez Hernández, Maira Guzmán, Dan Moran, Kirsten Moffler-Daykin and Keri Grokowsky, Hector Palala Martinez, Madhur Shende, Theresa Catalano, Uma Ganesan, Inoussa Malgoubri, Hadi Pir,Caterina Bernardini, Madina Jduraeva, Jennifer Fike, Leonardo Brandolini, Carol Subiabre, Lorey Wheeler, and Victoria Johnson. Planning committee included Uma Ganesan, Cathy Gabell, Stephanie Wessels, Tricia Gray, and Theresa Catalano.
M3 Initiative, the Department of Teaching Learning and Teacher Education (TLTE), the College of Education and Human Sciences (CEHS), the UNL Research Council (the Office of Research and Economic Development), the Department of Sociology, the Department of Educational Administration, the Department of Child, Youth, and Family Studies, the Department of Educational Psychology, the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, the Department of English, the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders, Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.