NebraskaSTEM Master Teaching Fellows are commited to increasing student interest and success in STEM by enhancing and applying their knowledge of integrated STEM teaching and learning. Fellows earned a Master’s in rural STEM education (completed in the first year), engage in STEM leadership activities, and are part of a nationwide community of Noyce Master Teaching Fellows. NebraskaSTEM Fellows are passionate about innovative STEM education and teacher leadership and teach in rural, high-needs schools. Schools are considered high-needs if the percentage of students receiving free/reduced lunch has been at or above the state average within the last three years. For more information, please contact NebraskaSTEM@unl.edu.

*NebraskaSTEM: Supporting Elementary Rural Teacher Leadership project has been established by the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education thanks to the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Track 3 grant awarded by the National Science Foundation. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1758496. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Program Curriculum
Summer 2018
- Mathematics content for elementary teachers
- Science content for elementary teachers
- Integrating STEM Learning Model
- Inquiry into Teaching and Learning (online)
Fall 2018
- Culture and Schooling: Rural Education
Spring 2018
- Master’s Thesis (collect and analyze data for a research project)
Summer 2019
- Computer Science content for elementary teachers
- Engineering content for elementary teachers
- Technology for Teaching STEM
- Master’s Thesis (finalize and present research paper)
5-Year Fellowship
- Earn a Master’s degree focused on rural STEM education
- Take classes on UNL campus for 3 weeks in Summer 2018 and Summer 2019, and online classes during the school year
- Receive a stipend for full tuition and fees plus living/travel expenses for summer coursework (up to $18,500)
- Take part in teacher leadership professional development
- Join an online community of NebraskaSTEM fellows
- Develop and implement a STEM Initiative for your own school
- Attend and present at STEM professional conferences
- Become an elementary STEM leader and mentor
- Join a nationwide community of Noyce Master Teaching Fellows
- $10,500 annual stipend (in addition to teacher salary)
Photos provided by the Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education (CSMCE).