Noyce Science MTF Cohort II Spotlight

Bailey Johnson

Bailey Johnson

Hastings Middle School
Hastings Public Schools

My biggest hope is to change and improve the systematic failures within the current education system, specifically focused in educator advocacy. I hope to visit with decision makers to improve state policies that are negatively impacting administrators, educators and students within education systems.

Leadership experience in science education:
NATS Board Member, State Assessment Writer, District Science Liaison, District Science Resource Acquisition Committee Member

Alexander Anton

Alexander Anton

Omaha North High School
Omaha Public Schools

I hope to educate students about science so that they can overcome their fears and misconceptions about the field, allowing them to better understand the world around them and participate in society as informed citizens.

Leadership experience in science education:
New Teacher Mentor, District Curriculum Writing, Science Olympiad Coach and HOSA co-sponsor

Kathryn Miller-Krivanek

Kathryn Miller-Krivanek

Bryan High School
Omaha Public Schools

When Nebraska adopted the Career and College Ready Standards for Science in 2017, our state demonstrated that we wanted to create inclusive classrooms that will allow all students to learn science as scientists. As Noyce Master Teacher Fellow, I would like to help establish statewide mentorship programs for new teachers that focus on inquiry-based instruction. By pairing master science teachers with novice science teachers - not only will new teachers be supported as they adjust to teaching, but this will also hopefully increase teacher retention while reducing the workload of implementing inquiry-based instruction.

Leadership experience in science education:
District Curriculum Writing, New Teacher Mentor, OPS Chemistry Professional Learning Community Member

Andrea Miller

Andrea Miller

Newman Grove Jr/Sr High School
Newman Grove Public Schools

A "grand challenge" in science education that I hope to address through the Noyce Master Teacher Fellowship is the ability to continue to become a lifelong learner. I currently use and will continue to use all of the experiences and knowledge I have acquired over time to teach my students how they can become lifelong learners. I believe that it is important for me to encourage my students, my fellow teachers, and my administration to strive to continue learning throughout their careers and lives. In addition, I continually strive to support and aid the instruction of further scientific knowledge and skills for the larger statewide science teacher network. I find it very important to collaborate and connect with teachers across the state and nation.

Leadership experience in science education:
NATS board member, Closing the Achievement Gap Award in Science 2016-2017 - Thedford Public Schools, Leader Teacher - Nebraska Partnership TEAMS 2017, National Science Bowl Advisor - 2018 Regional Champions - US Department of Energy Office of Science, 2021 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School Winner - Newman Grove Public Schools, SkillsUSA Advisor - Middle School Team Engineering Challenger - 2022 Second Place National Champions

Seung Yeon Lee

Seung Yeon Lee

Grand Island Senior High
Grand Island Public Schools

One such grand challenge in science education might be ensuring that all students, regardless of their background or circumstances, have access to high-quality science education and are prepared to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. The goal is to use the Noyce Master Teacher Fellowship as a platform to drive meaningful change in science education, improve student outcomes, and contribute to addressing grand challenges in this field. This can be achieved through a combination of personal and professional development, collaboration with peers, and active involvement in the broader education community.

Leadership experience in science education:
NATS Board member, District Science Task Force

Stephanie Henry

Stephanie Henry

Bancroft-Rosalie Community School
Bancroft-Rosalie Community School District

One "grand challenge" in science education that I hope to address as a Noyce Mater Teacher Fellow is to make high quality inquiry-based, equitable science education accessible to all students so students may get the vision that science education is for all students, not just those who hope to go on to work in a future career in science. I also hope to inspire students to use the science education they receive to make wise decisions about our treatment of the planet and other important socio-scientific issues. At the local level, I hope to enhance my abilities as a science teacher so I more effectively influence my students, administrators, and colleagues. At the state and national level, I hope to influence other teachers, administrators, and science education leaders to make the change so that high quality inquiry-based, equitable science education is provided to all students.

Leadership experience in science education:
District Curriculum Writing and Lesson Planning Committee Member, Project Lead the Way Instructor, Adjunct Faculty Member - Nebraska Indian Community College - teaching Dual Credit Biology

Amanda Fricke

Amanda Fricke

Omaha North High School
Omaha Public Schools

My hope is that as a Noyce Master Teacher Fellow that I will be able to increasingly engage students in my classroom by increasing opportunities for students to see how science is a part of their own lives. It is my hope that the increase in student efficacy will translate to increased achievement in Science and in turn the students will be better able to evaluate and tackle challenges that they face in and out of the Science classroom.

Leadership experience in science education:
*District curriculum writing team *Science Department Point of Contact, *NATS Participant, *NETA Participant, *Omaha Public Schools K-12 Comprehensive Science Teaching and Learning Grant Participant, *Certified Project Lead the Way Principles of Biomedical Science, Human Body Systems, and Medical Interventions teacher *Hosted multiple student teachers and pre-service teachers for clinical experiences, *New Teacher Mentor

Christine Gustafson

Christine Gustafson

Millard South HS
Millard PS

I would like to help districts move forward from wherever they are in implementation of the NCCRS science standards. As a Noyce MTF I have been learning more about science education research as well as current best practices in science education. I hope to use this information to help build our state's professional network of science teachers in order to create a more collaborative effort statewide. I would also like to help districts' efforts by including administrators and post-secondary institutions as a part of the implementation solution. I truly believe Nebraska is leading the nation in this effort. We can be a role model for other states that are working to make these monumental science reforms happen as well.

Leadership experience in science education:
NATS President, Science Dept. Chair, District Assessment Writing Team, State Formative and Summative Assessment Writing, State Bias Assessment Team, State Standards Adoption Workshop, District Professional Development Team, Doane Science Methods Instructor, NSTA National Conference Presenter, District