Ben Heinisch
Operations & Project Specialist
Department of Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Lincoln NE 68588-0233 - Phone
In addition to his experience as a counselor, musician, researcher, and consultant, Dr. Heinisch brings a passion for higher education to his work in the Teaching, Learning, & Teacher Education department. Dr. Heinisch is committed to helping faculty, staff, and especially students have the best experience possible learning and working at UNL. A university employee since 2008, Heinisch has clerical, advising, and administrative experience having served in the Office of the University Registrar, as an advisor for the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, and as Operations & Project Specialist in TLTE. Dr. Heinisch's research interests include rural student experiences in higher education and interventions for college students in academic distress.
Ph.D. (2018) Education Studies, Higher Education Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
M.A. (2012) Educational Psychology, Community Counseling, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
B.A. (2005) Psychology, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, Nebraska
Heinisch, B. P., Smith, N. M. (2017). Students on the edge: Evaluating an academic support group. The Nebraska Educator, 4, 26-46. doi:10.13014/K2DN4377
Heinisch, B. P. (2016). Small fish out of water: Rural first-generation student experience at a large university. The Journal of College Orientation and Transition, 24(1), 21-33.
Areas of Expertise:
Higher Education Administration
Rural Students
Mixed Methods Research
Honors and Recognition:
CEHS Annual Staff Award Recipient, 2023
Mixed Methods Research Certificate, Educational Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016
Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, The Parents Association and The Teaching Council of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015
CASNR Week Superior Academic Advising Award nominee, 2014
2019-present, Operations & Project Specialist, Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education, College of Education and Human Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2018, Leadership Consultant, Talent Plus Inc.
2012-2018, Academic Advisor/Recruiter, Forensic Science Degree Program, Biochemistry Degree Program, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2013, Contract Counselor, Nebraska Mental Health Centers
2011-2012, Building Bridges Counselor, Building Bridges Program, Lincoln Northeast High School
2008-2012, Staff Assistant - Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS), Office of the University Registrar, University of Nebraska-Lincoln