Inoussa Malgoubri
Ph.D. Program Teaching, Curriculum and Learning
Inoussa Malgoubri is a Fulbright scholar and a doctoral
student in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education. He
holds a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from Université Joseph
Ki-Zerbo, Burkina Faso, and a Graduate Diploma in Comparative Education from
Nagasaki University, Japan. His research interests include second language
education, culturally sustaining pedagogies, English as a second language,
arts-based learning, intercultural communication, curriculum development, and
learning technologies. Inoussa has received numerous awards, including the
Fling Fellowship (2024-2025), West African Research Association Mobility
Fellowship (2024), YALI Fellowship (2016), Japanese Government (MEXT)
Scholarship (2019-2021), and Fulbright U.S. Government Scholarship since
Research Interests
Inoussa Malgoubri's research interests include second
language education, culturally sustaining pedagogies, English as a second
language, arts-based learning, intercultural communication, curriculum
development, and learning technologies. He aims to integrate cultural
backgrounds into teaching methods, utilize arts for engaging learning
experiences, and innovate educational practices through technology.
Publications & Conference Presentations
Malgoubri, I. (2023). Home language policy and identity in multilingual
families in Ouagadougou. In Langues, Littératures et Identités: Nouveaux
Enjeux et Perspectives (Vol. 1, pp. 187-204). Presses Universitaires.
Sanfo, J. B. M., & Malgoubri, I. (2023). Teaching quality and student
learning achievements in Ethiopian primary education. International Journal
of Educational Development, 99, 102759.
Malgoubri, I., Sawadogo, & M., Kambou, M. K. (2020). Digital audio-visual
aids and listening in EFL classrooms. Asεmka: A Bilingual Literary Journal
of University of Cape Coast, (10), 253-269.
Sanfo, J. B. M., & Malgoubri, I. (2021). Teaching quality and students' EFL
achievements in Ethiopia. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 11(10),
Manuscripts In Press/Under Review:
Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., et al. (Under Revision). Collaborative aesthetic
experiences and teacher learners. International Journal of Education & the
Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., et al. (Under review). Supporting our
multilingual transnational children. Language, Identity and Education.
Catalano T., & Malgoubri, I. (Accepted). Developing critical cultural
awareness in world language classrooms. The Handbook of Research on World
Language Instruction, Routledge.
Conference Presentations and Workshops:
Malgoubri, I. (2024, February 12). Artificial intelligence for language
teachers. 18th Annual MALT Colloquium on Language Teaching.
Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., et al. (2023, September 9). What teachers should
know about our multilingual children. Language, Migration, and Education
Malgoubri, I. (2023, May 19). ChatGPT for ESL/EFL teaching and learning. Beta
(Burkina English Teachers Association) Meeting.
Olmanson, J., Malgoubri, I., et al. (2023, May 5). AI and ChatGPT in
Education: Workshop in Prompt Engineering in Education. University of
Nebraska Lincoln.
Malgoubri, I. (2019). Digital Audio-visuals Aids and Listening in EFL
Classrooms. University of Cape Coast.
Malgoubri, I. (2023). Home language policy and identity in multilingual
families in Ouagadougou. Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo.
Invited Presentations:
Malgoubri, I. (2024, February 11). Teaching world languages interactive
mini-lesson. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.