Kristen Friesen

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Kristen Friesen

Ph.D. Program Teaching, Curriculum and Learning

Kristen Friesen has spent the past twelve years in the secondary English/language arts classroom in a variety of Nebraska high schools in Grand Island, Lincoln, and Waverly. For the past six years, she has also been directing high school theater programs. Her BA in Education, Language Arts 7-12 was obtained from the University of Nebraska @ Kearney, and her Master's in English was earned here at UNL in 2019. She is thrilled to be a first year Ph.D. student and hopeful that her studies will help her better advocate for students and teachers.

Research Interests

Research interests include reflective teaching practices and policies, the power of narrative in the secondary classroom, and the advantages to students (and teachers) of coordination of curriculum between content areas.

Publications & Conference Presentations

Her Master's Thesis, a collection of poetry entitled "A Pint of Dirt," is available on Digital Commons.