Lorraine Males

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Lorraine Males

Julie and Henry Bauermeister Associate Professor in Education and Human Sciences & Graduate Chair Department of Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education University of Nebraska-Lincoln


CPEH 277
Lincoln NE 68588-0233
402-472-2231 On-campus 2-2231
Dr. Males is an associate professor of mathematics education with a focus on middle and high school mathematics teacher education. I am interested in mathematics teachers' learning at the early stages of their career (preservice and induction periods), particularly how teachers learn to use written curriculum materials. Dr. Males is the PI of an NSF-CAREER grant (#1651836) focused on understanding and developing the curricular noticing practices of secondary mathematics prepositive teachers so that they may productively engage all students in learning mathematics. The project involves observing and analyzing the planning and enactment of mathematics lessons using eye-tracking and qualitative methodologies. She is also interested in understanding more about the problem of preparing secondary mathematics teachers to use equitable mathematics teaching practices and to develop socio-political mathematics teacher identities.


  • BS, Ithaca College, 1999
  • Other, Indiana Wesleyan University, 2003
  • Ph D, Michigan State University, 2011