Michael Mason-D'Croz
Ed.D. Program Innovative Learning Technologies
Michael Mason-D'Croz has a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism - Broadcast News and Editorial. But went back to school to become a teacher seeking a Post-Bach teaching certificate in Secondary Languages at UNL. While working through this certification, he studied for, and finished a Master's Degree in Curriculum Development, focusing on implementation of Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs). Through this work, he has become a curriculum development leader for World Languages (Spanish) in LPS.
Michael has worked as a Spanish teacher at Lincoln Northeast High School in LPS, since 2010. In this role he has seen the implementation of different curriculum and educational technologies. When the COVID pandemic changed the way school was administered and how technology was being used in the classroom. At this point, he truly realized that the technology that was being used in the classroom was not being used to its fullest capabilities. This fueled his return to school to research technology use in the classroom.
Research Interests
Michael is interested in Educational Technologies and how they are implemented and used correctly in the classroom. However, the main focus for research is the (lack of) teacher training with Ed Tech. Although educators are expected to integrate technology and technological tools in the classroom, it is the norm for those educators to not receive the training needed to fully use those tools. Thus, Michael is focusing on Professional Development/Continued Learning with Educational Technologies to help develop better PD for technology training of educators.
Publications & Conference Presentations
2013 Central States Conference for the Teaching of Foreign Languages