Nicholas Husbye
Associate Professor
Department of Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
CPEH 248
Lincoln NE 68588-0233 - Phone
The first strand of my research agenda is tightly plied with my role as a teacher educator, embracing a teacher inquiry stance and seeking to understand the ways to most effectively prepare novice literacy educators and support current teachers in designing and enacting instruction for student literacy learning, particularly elementary grades reading instruction. My published work has examined supporting pre-service teachers (PSTs; Husbye, Wessel Powell, Vander Zanden & Karalis, 2018; Husbye, 2018) and in-service teachers (Husbye, Alovar, & Song, 2017; Husbye with Song, 2017) within literacy coursework, with specific focus on developing complex decision making during instructional enactments. The Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers recently awarded a co-authored piece (Vander Zanden, Buchholz, Husbye, Rust, & Wessel Powell, 2020) with the inaugural Elizabeth G. Sturtevant Exemplary Article Award, recognizing a particularly rigorous and relevant article to be published in the ALER Yearbook.
My second strand explores the evolving intersections of literacy, technology, and multimodality in the lives of elementary students. As technology continues to expand and reconfigure the ways we make sense of and within the world, my work seeks to illuminate how digital literacy practices inform and change the possibilities for our youngest learners to create rich media (Husbye, 2019; Husbye & Vander Zanden, 2015; Wessel Powell & Husbye, 2013; Husbye, Buchholz, Coggin, & Wessel Powell, 2013; Coggin, Wohlwend, Buchholz, Wessel Powell, & Husbye, 2015), how these digital media creations bring about new ways of thinking about assessment of learning (Husbye & Rust, 2013), and how collaborative digital literacy practices are mediated through social relationships as much as technology (Husbye, 2015). Within this work, I am particularly interested in the digital literacy practices in use, shifting focus from final product to the learning within the production process.
Ph.D. (2013) Literacy, Culture, and Language Education. Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
B. A. (2003) Elementary Education. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.
Recent Publications:
Husbye, N. E. (2020). Embracing sadness. First Opinions, Second Reactions, 12(3), 24 - 25.
Husbye, N. E., Buchholz, B. A., Wessel Powell, C., & Vander Zanden, S. (2019). “Death didn’t come up at center time”: Sharing books about death and grief in elementary literacy classrooms. Language Arts, 96(6), 347 - 357.
Husbye, N. E., Rust, J., Wessel Powell, C., Buchholz, B., & Vander Zanden, S. (2019). Networking practitioner research: Collaborative practices in complex times. The Journal of Practitioner Research, 4(1). doi: 10.5038/2379-9951.4.1.1099.
Vander Zanden, S., Buchholz, B. A., Husbye, N. E., Rust, J., & Wessel Powell, C. (2019). Failure is an option: making room for mistakes in literacy teacher education. In A. Babino, N. Cossa, R. D. Johnson, & J. J. Araujo (Ed.s), ALER yearbook volume 41: Educating for a just society. Commerce, TX: The Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers. (Elizabeth G. Sturtevant Exemplary Article Award)
Buchholz, B., Vander Zanden, S., Husbye, N. E., Wessel Powell, C., & Rust, J. (2019). The virtual carrels: Supporting professional communities of practice through digital literacies. In D. Pyles, R. Rish, & H. Pleasants (Ed.s) Negotiating Place and Space Through Digital Literacies: Research and Practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Husbye, N. E. (2019). “My mom said you can’t use my face but my voice is alright”: Children as active agents in research using video data. In Eckhoff, A. L. (Ed.), Participatory Research with Young Children. New York City, NY: Springer.
Husbye, N. E., Rust, J., Buchholz, B. A., Wessel Powell, C., & Vander Zanden, S. (2019). Critical thinking, critical doing: Instructional approaches for critical, embodied thinking in preservice literacy education coursework. In Mariano, G. J. & Figliano, F. J. (Ed.s), Handbook of research on critical thinking strategies in pre-service learning environments (pp. 319-340). doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7823-9.ch016
Husbye, N. E., Wessel Powell, C., Vander Zanden, S. & Karalis, T. (2018). Coaching in practice-based literacy education courses. The Reading Teacher, 72(2), 191 - 200. doi: 10.1002/trtr.1692.
Husbye, N. E. (2018). Supporting literacy teaching through rehearsals. In Araujo, J. J., Cossa, N., Johnson, R. D., & Babino, A. (Ed.s), ALER yearbook volume 40: Engaging all readers through explorations of literacy, language, and culture (pp. 331-354). Commerce, TX: The Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers.