Theresa Catalano
Department of Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Lincoln NE 68588-0233 - Phone
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Dr. Catalano’s research focuses on language teacher education and migration (including intercultural education and arts integration), and the connection of language and visual communication to ideology, power and social inequality. Dr. Catalano’s book, “Talking about global migration: Implications for language teaching” (Multilingual Matters, 2016), features the stories of migrants from around the world and takes an in-depth look at the metaphors used when migrants talk about their experiences. Her recent book with Linda Waugh Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Studies and Beyond (Springer, 2020) introduces CDA/CDS, its important foundational concepts and theories, and traces its development from its early years until it became established. After the relationship between CDA and CDS is discussed, seven commonly cited approaches to CDA/CDS are outlined followed by an overview of critique of CDA/CDS and salient connections to other interdisciplinary areas of scholarship. The final chapter describes how scholars use their knowledge of CDA/CDS to make a difference in the world.
Dr. Catalano currently serves as point-person for the M3 initiative (https://cehs.unl.edu/tlte/m3-initiative/) and as faculty advisor for the TLTE graduate student association. She also co-coordinates the MA plus certification in world language program and the dual language endorsement program.
She teaches courses related to language education including:
- Aesthetics and Arts Education for Multilingual Learners (TEAC 944B)
- Secondary World Language Methods (TEAC 451, 452R, 894R)
- Linguistics for Language Teachers (TEAC 813K – online)
- Intercultural Communication (TEAC 813J)
- Teaching Multilingual Learners in the Elementary/Secondary Classroom (TEAC 317, TEAC 413M)
- Introduction to Multimodal Textual Analysis (TEAC 930M)
- Foundations of Dual Language Education (TEAC 815A)
- Spanish in the Content Areas (TEAC 815J)
Ph.D. (2011) Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
M.A. (1998) English Language/Linguistics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
B.S. (1990) Elementary Education. University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Select Publications:
Moran, D., Catalano, T. & Palala Martínez, H. (2024). Indigenous Latinx students and translanguaging: The possibilities and challenges of using K’iche’ in a kindergarten Spanish-English handwriting classroom. Bilingual Research Journal.
Catalano, T.. Malgoubri, I., Bockerman, J., Palala Martinez, H., Kelsey, M., Brandolini, L., & Shcherbakov, I. (2024). Collaborative aesthetic experiences and teacher learners: Arts-practice research in a teacher education classroom. International Journal of Education & the Arts. 25(13). http://doi.org/10.26209/ijea25n13
Catalano, T., & Schleck, J. (2024). Discourses that undermine union movements: A multimodal analysis of union-busting videos. Social Semiotics. https://doi.org/10.1080/10350330.2023.2298819
Wessels, S., Catalano, T., Reeves, J., Leonard, A. E., Ganesan, U., Barbici-Wagner, A. & Gallardo, C. (2023). “Just attaching a face”: Engaging local refugee communities in preservice teacher education focused on students with immigrant/refugee backgrounds. TESOL Journal, 15, e782. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesj.782
Barbici-Wagner, A., Catalano, T. (35%), & Meadows, B. (2023). Migrants, Covid-19, and Italy: A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the construction of and resistance to nationalist discourses. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD). 15(1), 21-44. https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/fass/journals/cadaad/volume-15-2023/
Wang, P. & Catalano, T. (2023). ‘Chinese Virus’: A critical discourse analysis of anti-Asian racist discourse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Language and Discrimination. 7(1), 26-51. https://doi.org/10.1558/jld.23484
Gu, X., & Catalano, T. (2022). Representing transition experiences: A multimodal critical discourse analysis of young immigrants in children’s literature. Linguistics and Education. https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1fRXX3CKC-8vvD
Catalano, T., (60%) Palala Martinez, H., & Moran, D. (2022). ‘I see you’: Indigenous language study in a bilingual teacher education program. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2022.2072169. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13670050.2022.2072169
Catalano, T. & Morales, A. (2022). Dancing across difference: Arts and community-based interventions as intercultural education. Intercultural Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/14675986.2021.2016214
Catalano, T. & Wang. P. (2021). Social media, populism, and COVID-19: Weibo users’ reactions to anti-Chinese discourse. Studies in Media and Communication. 9(2), 58-70. https://doi.org/10.11114/smc.v9i2.5388
Catalano, T. (50%), Ganesan, U., Barbici-Wagner, A., Leonard, A., Wessels, S., Reeves, J. (2021). Dance as Dialog: A metaphor analysis of arts and community-based learning with preservice teachers and a local refugee community. Teaching and Teacher Education. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2021.103369
Catalano, T. & Muñoz-Barriga, A. (2021). Shaping the teaching and learning of intercultural communication through virtual mobility. Special issue of Intercultural Communication Education. 4(1), 75-89. https://doi.org/10.29140/ice.v4n1.443
Catalano, T. & L. R. Waugh. (2020). Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Studies and Beyond. In series: Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030493776
Catalano, T. (2016). Talking about global migration: Implications for language teaching. In series: New Perspectives in Language and Education. Bristol, U.K.: Multilingual Matters
Areas of Expertise:
Second, Third and Additional Language Acquisition and Teaching
Critical Discourse Analysis
World Language Education
Honors and Recognition
April 2023: Distinguished Research/Creative Activity Career Award, College of Education and Human Sciences
October 2021: Courtesy Appointment in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
April 2021: Faculty Mentoring Award, College of Education and Human Sciences
December 2018: Great Plains Fellow, Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
May 2018: Faculty Affiliate, Global Studies Program, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
January 2018: Donald R. & Mary Lee Swanson Award for Teaching Excellence University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
October 2017: Nominated for the Susan J. Rosowski Professorship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
October 2017: Nominated for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Exemplary Research in Teaching and Teacher Education Award.
May 2017: Nominated for the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Book Award for Talking about global migration: Implications for language teaching (Multilingual Matters).
January 2017: Nominated for the 2017 Qualitative Book Award for the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry for Talking about global migration: Implications for language teaching (Multilingual Matters).
April 2016: Emerging Scholar Research and Creative Award, College of Education and Human Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
April 2015: Nominated for a “Women of Character, Courage and Commitment Award”, The Women’s Center, Women’s Week Banquet, 340 Nebraska Union, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
2014, Finalist for 2014 Founders' Emergent Scholars Award, International Society of Language Studies and the Language Studies Foundation.
2013, Faculty Affiliate, Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
2014, College Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Education and Human Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
2011, Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant, College of Humanities, University of Arizona.
2008, Excellence in Service Award, Department of French and Italian, University of Arizona.
2006, Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Nebraska at Omaha.
1995, Nebraska PTA Honorary State Life Award for Excellence in Teaching, Western Hills Elementary School, Omaha, NE.