Kaitlin Roselius

Kaitlin Roselius

Lincoln, Nebraska
Degree Pursuing
Ph.D. Global Health and Family Well-being
FMHR Lab Research Focus

Currently, I am involved in helping facilitate a photovoice project with two groups of refugee women in Nebraska: Congolese from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and ethnoreligious Yazidi from Iraq. The project seeks to explore women’s health in Nebraska while building community capacity to foster health, wellbeing, and resilience.

Other Research Involvements

My main research interests center on child abuse and neglect, as well as the intersection between best practices for prevention and policy. I am also interested in building community resilience through identifying assets and strengthening families. As a result, I am also involved in Dr. Rochelle Dalla’s Human Trafficking and Vulnerable Populations Research Lab. Through this research, we focus on empirical investigations of marginalized individuals and the unique bioecological developmental processes.