Kara Kohel

Kara Kohel

Northeast Nebraska
Degree Pursuing
Ph.D. Global Health and Family Well-being
FMHR Lab Research Focus

As part of the FMHR lab, I am working on a visual methods project with ethnoreligious Yazidi women from northern Iraq. The project uses a participatory action research (PAR) approach and explores refugee women’s sociocultural health perceptions and preferred supportive resources.

Other Research Involvements

Having grown up in small towns in both Nebraska and Iowa, I am continually interested in life in rural communities. My primary research interest in aging centers on individual and family decision-making for long-term care and living arrangements in later life. In addition to working with the FMHR Lab, I am engaged in the Caregiver and Child Applied Research and Education (CCARE) Lab with Dr. Natalie Williams and Dr. Holly Hatton-Bowers.