The Student Code of Conduct was adopted by the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on August 14, 2020. According to the code, “Students at the University of Nebraska are members of an academic community in which academic integrity and responsible conduct are essential for the community to function. To ensure that students know what is expected of them, the University has adopted the Standards of Academic Integrity and Responsible Conduct (“Standards”).” The policy can be accessed online here.
The Department of Educational Administration also adheres to all UNL policies regarding the rights and responsibilities of graduate students outlined in the UNL Graduate Catalog. Students are responsible for knowing the content of and abiding by all university policies.
Academic Integrity
The University policy on academic dishonesty can be found in Section II of the Student Code of Conduct. Additional information on academic integrity, including tips for understanding and avoiding plagiarism, can be found on the Graduate Studies and Student Conduct and Community Standards websites. Students are responsible for understanding University policies and best practices to maintain academic integrity throughout their studies. Lack of knowledge is not a defense for violating these policies and best practices.
The Faculty Senate policy on sanctions related to academic integrity states that “a faculty member or instructor of record who determines that a student has, more likely than not, committed an act of academic dishonesty in a course or academic activity must report the incident and may, in the exercise of his or her professional judgment, impose academic sanction(s) and/or make recommendations for non-academic sanctions.” Students and faculty are encouraged to consult this Faculty Senate policy for more information on reporting violations of the Student Code of Conduct related to academic integrity. Faculty members are required to report all cases where there is evidence of academic dishonesty, even if no academic sanctions are imposed.
In addition to following the prescribed procedures above, faculty members in EDAD who find that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty will notify the student’s advisor and the department Graduate Chair. If through this process it is found that the student has previously committed a similar act of academic dishonesty, or if the faculty member or Graduate Chair determine that the act of academic dishonesty is severe, they will recommend the student’s dismissal from their academic program to the Graduate Faculty.