Welcome to the School Psychology program webpage, we are excited that you are interested in our program! The School Psychology program is highly respected both locally and throughout the nation. Consistently, the program is considered one of the top school psychology programs and has been ranked in research articles as a top program in the nation in terms of publication productivity in major scholarly school psychology journals. Our program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA)* and approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).

Additionally, the UNL School Psychology program has been identified by the Chancellor of UNL as one the university's most outstanding programs. Our program provides a 3-year training program for EdS students and a 6-year training program for PhD students. As a graduate of our school psychology program, EdS and PhD students meet the criteria needed to become a national certified school psychologist (NCSP) and our PhD students meet the requirements needed to become licensed as professional psychologists.

The UNL School Psychology Program offers students access to extraordinary training. The individual faculty members and the training program are highly respected within the field of school psychology. Our faculty partner with local schools and community organizations, as well as with other professionals across the nation, to conduct research that promotes the success of students and families.

Through the Counseling and School Psychology Clinic, students will have the opportunity to conduct psychological and educational evaluations of children and youth to address referral questions from parents/caregivers and or schools.

Degrees Offered

School Psychology Handbook School Psychology White Paper Masters Comprehensive Exam

Complementing our faculty are our superior students. Drawn from across the country and the state of Nebraska, students work closely with each other and with faculty in an atmosphere that is highly collaborative and collegial. School psychology students have access to practica opportunities in local schools, community outpatient clinics, university clinics, and area hospitals. Students graduate from the rigorous and challenging UNL School Psychology Program with the professional skills they need to provide their clients and students with the highest quality of psychological services, and with well-honed skills in research and scholarship. Both locally and nationally, our graduates are very successful in obtaining positions as school psychologists in schools, psychologists in private practices and medical settings, and faculty in university programs. Check out our Student Affiliates of School Psychology to learn more about what our current students have to say about the program and life in Lincoln, Nebraska!

*Questions related to the program's accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation:
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 336-5979

Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data


Applications for the School Psychology program are considered once a year:

  • December 1st (for starting the following Fall)

GRE scores are not required for 2023-2024 applications

SchPsych Training Director

Dr. Scott Napolitano
Educational Psychology
228 TEAC

School Psychology Faculty

Matthew Gormley Associate Professor, School Psychology

Susan Swearer Chair, Department of Educational Psychology, Willa Cather Professor of Educational Psychology, Professor and Licensed Psychologist, School Psychology Program

Heather Hruskoci Director of the Counseling and School Psychology Clinic, and Assistant Professor of Practice

Sungeun Kang Assistant Professor, School Psychology

Scott Napolitano Professor of Practice, School Psychology Program, Program Director and Director of Clinical Training, School Psychology

Beth Doll Professor, School Psychology Program, Training Director for the Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology (NICPP)