Why is a global experience important? There are dozens of relevant answers to that question and a Google search will give you thousands more.

Girls at the University of Pretoria, South Africa

Let’s start with personal fulfillment.

Experiencing other cultures will expand your knowledge and expose you to new people and places. An international component to your education will help you grow in ways you might not even imagine. You’ll develop new perspectives, new skills, become more independent and build your self-confidence.

Going global is an academic venture.

Many education abroad opportunities will gain you credit toward your degree at Nebraska or fulfill other requirements of graduation. Think of the new learning you’ll gain when you step across international borders.

Nebraska Student at Career Fair

Let’s not forget about the job market.

As our global society becomes more and more intertwined, employers are looking for employees who have travelled, studied and worked outside the U.S. This kind of experience is a resume booster and will help distinguish you in a competitive job market.