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Jessie Kohn


Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders University of Nebraska-Lincoln


BKC 207D
Lincoln NE 68583-0738
402-472-3990 On-campus 2-3990

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Jessie Kohn, M.S., CCC-SLP, is a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist who serves as a clinical supervisor and lecturer in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders. She helps guide graduate students in generating treatment plans, functional outcomes and objectives for clients who attend speech-language therapy.

Her primary interest is acquired neurogenic communication disorders with focus on aphasia, and cognitive-communication challenges, particularly executive functioning. Jessie facilitates the SPEAK OUT!® and LOUD Crowd® program at the Barkley Speech Language and Hearing Clinic. She was instrumental in starting the Aphasia Community Partners program at Nebraska, which connects individuals with aphasia to individuals in the community to enhance social involvement and understanding of the strengths of individuals with aphasia.

Prior to joining the faculty at the Barkley Speech Language and Hearing Clinic, Jessie spent 12 years as an inpatient speech-language pathologist for Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital in Lincoln. 


M.S., Speech-Language Pathology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001
B.S., Education, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1999

Areas of Expertise

  • Acquired neurogenic communication disorders
  • Childhood and acquired apraxia of speech
  • Phonological disorders
  • Focus on aphasia, and cognitive communication challenges, particularly executive functioning
  • Parkinson Voice Project


  • 2014-present, Lecturer/Clinical Supervisor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • 2017-19, Outpatient Speech-Language Pathologist, Communication Works LLC, Lincoln, Nebraska
  • 2002-14, Inpatient Speech-Language Pathologist, Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, Lincoln, Nebraska
  • 2001-02, Speech-Language Pathologist, Educational Service Unit #6, Seward, Nebraska