Select Program Area
SLPA Courses
- Select - SLPA 250 - Descriptive Phonetics and Normal Speech Development SLPA 251 - Normal Language Development SLPA 421 - Professional Issues for the Communication Disorders Specialist SLPA 441 - Methods for the Communication Disorders Specialist SLPA 456 - Speech and Hearing Science SLPA 486/886 - Augmentative and Alternative Communication SLPA 488 - Linguistic Needs of Bilingual and Culturally Different Students
SLPA 456 Lab Sections
- Select - Section 151 - T 3:30-4:20pm Section 152 - R 3:30-4:20pm Section 153 - T 2:30-3:20pm Section 154 - R 2:30-3:20pm
SLPA 464 Lab Sections
- Select - Section 151 - T 9:00-9:50 am Section 152 - R 9:00-9:50 am
SPED Courses
- Select - SPED 201 - Introduction to Special Education SPED 310 - Collaborative Practices SPED 403 - Seminar: General Special Education SPED 414- Instructional Methods for Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities SPED 415 and 415A - Reading and Writing Disabilities: Elementary Students and Practicum SPED 454 - Behavior Management SPED 461 - Infants with Disabilities and Home Visiting
SPED 406A Sections
- Select - Section 001 - MW 4:15-5:30 pm Section 002 - TR 4:15-5:30 pm Section 003 - MW 5:45-7:00 pm Section 004 - TR 5:45-7:00 pm
SPED 415 Sections
- Select - Section 001 - M 1-3:15pm Section 002 - W 1-3:15pm
SPED 415A Sections
- Select - Section 001 - MW 4:15-5:30pm Section 002 - TR 4:15-5:30pm Section 003 - MW 5:45-7pm Section 004 - TR 5:45-7pm
Reason For Course Request Required
- Select - Course is closed Department consent required MyRed doesn't recognize my prerequisite(s) Other
SLPA 271 Lab - Second Choice
- Select - Section 002 - M 12pm-12:50 pm Section 003 - M 9am-9:50 am Section 004 - T 3pm-3:50pm None of the other sections work for me.
SLPA 464 Lab - Second Choice
- Select - Section 151 - T 9:00-9:50 am Section 152 - R 9:00-9:50 am None of the other sections work for me.
SPED 406A - Second Choice
- Select - Section 001 - MW 4:15-5:30 pm Section 002 - TR 4:15-5:30 pm Section 003 - MW 5:45-7:00 pm Section 004 - TR 5:45-7:00 pm None of the other sections work for me.
SPED 415 - Second Choice
- Select - Section 001 - W 1:30-3:45 pm Section 002 - R 1pm-3:15pm Section 004 - M 6:00-8:15 pm None of the other sections work for me.
SPED 415A - Second Choice
- Select - Section 001 - TR 4:15-5:30 pm Section 002 - MW 4:15-5:30 pm Section 003 - MW 5:45-7:00 pm Section 004 - TR 5:45-7:00 pm None of the other sections work for me.
SPED 415 and 415A explanation