Initial Enrollment
- Newly admitted SLP Master of Science students will receive a letter during the summer prior to beginning the graduate program stipulating activities to complete before orientation week. Failure to comply may result in delay of a student's enrollment in clinical practicum and, ultimately, graduation.
- During the week before each fall semester begins, the Department conducts an orientation for all new SLP graduate students. This provides an opportunity for students to receive information and ask questions about programmatic requirements, clinical practicum procedures, and other matters important for beginning successful graduate study. All new SLP graduate students must attend this meeting.
- Prior to the first week of the Fall term, each student should meet with a member of the SLP Advising Team to develop a plan of study for the fall semester that includes discussion of the program option [i.e., either thesis (Option A) or non-thesis (Option B)] and anticipated coursework for the degree, including course deficiencies, if any.
Students who have been accepted into the graduate program may be allowed to enroll and complete clinical practicum and academic coursework the summer prior to their first Fall semester, if they have met the prerequisite observation requirements and coursework.
Candidacy for the Master of Science Degree
Before a student receives grades for 18 credit hours of graduate-level coursework, they must meet with their Academic Adviser, discuss and file a Memorandum of Courses (MOC) with the Dean of Graduate Studies. The MOC specifies the formal plan of study and is typically filed before the 15th Week of the second semester of enrollment. It specifies the program option (i.e., Option A or B) and lists courses taken and/or to be taken as deficiencies, core requirements for the major, and electives. The MOC requires the signature of the student's Academic Adviser and the Chair of the Department's Graduate Committee. Filing the MOC in a timely manner is the student's responsibility. Failure to comply with this regulation can result in a delay of program completion and/or coursework not counting toward the graduate degree.
Change to the Memorandum of Courses
Occasionally, a student may need to modify their program after the MOC has been filed with the Dean of Graduate Studies. In such a case, the student should consult with their adviser about possible changes. When these are decided upon, the academic adviser will email the proposed program changes to the Graduate Coordinator, and make proposed changes in Typhon. A new MOC form does not need to be filed. Any deviations from the initial MOC must be reviewed and approved by the advisor prior to registering for courses. Self-advising or peer-advising without review by the program advisor may result in unnecessary coursework and expenses as well as prolongation of the student’s graduate program.
Tracking Competencies (Typhon)
All students complete coursework and practicum to meet ASHA's certification requirements in Speech-Language Pathology. As students advance through the degree program, their cumulative progress will be tracked using the online system created by Typhon Group. Upon entrance to the program, students will be given a username, password, and instructions for using their individual Typhon accounts. Each student will be responsible for adding clinic logs to document clinical experiences. Courses and completed coursework will be entered at the end of each semester, so students have access to a record of their accomplishments and competencies. The coursework listed in Typhon must match the courses listed on the student's MOC, and a copy of the approved MOC (with signatures) should also be uploaded.