As a member of the Big Ten and in service of the Nebraska land-grant mission, the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education offers world-class graduate study opportunities focused on innovative education research and practice with wide-ranging and impactful outcomes.
We work in service of all professional educators at all stages of their careers and offer programs that generate educators, researchers, and leaders who foster research-grounded ideas to improve the human condition across all educational settings. Graduate study in this department cultivates connections across and engagement with graduate faculty whose individual and collective expertise is integrated in the areas listed below.
Graduate Faculty Areas of Expertise:
Graduate Faculty Areas of Expertise:
Curriculum and Teacher Education
Focus on teacher preparation or professional development, e.g., curriculum studies, philosophy and ethics of education, mentoring and teacher induction, teacher identities, professional learning communities, education across all settings
Innovative Learning Technologies
Focus on the design and use of technologies in support of learning and teaching. Explore the application of learning theories, human-centered and speculative design, curriculum-theory, computational thinking, and technology development to disciplinary and transdisciplinary domains via ILT Master’s, PhD, and EdD specializations within the Educational Studies degree programs. (Graduate minor, Technology Leadership and Information Technology supplemental endorsements also available.)
Language, Literacy, and Culture
Focus in the teaching and learning of language, literacies, and intercultural communication (e.g., multiculturalism, multilingualism, and migration; foreign language, ESL/ELL/EFL, reading, literacy studies, English education, social studies, arts and humanities, etc.)
Educational Policy and Reform
Focus educational policy, school reform, critical pedagogy, and social theory, e.g., multicultural education, service-learning, comparative and international education, social justice education, etc.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Focus teaching, learning, and research in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics – STEM
Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education Master of Arts (M.A.)
Elementary Teaching Specialization
Innovative Learning Technologies Specialization
Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education Graduate Minor
Educational Studies Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Innovative Learning Technologies Specialization
Teaching, Curriculum and Learning Specialization
Educational Studies Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Innovative Learning Technologies Specialization
Teaching, Curriculum and Learning Specialization
Graduate Certificates Certificate
Initial Teaching Certification and Added Teaching Endorsements

Rolling Admissions and Monthly Review
Deadline: the first Monday of each month August through May

January 15 for Fall Semester
October 1 biennially for Spring Semester