The Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education Graduate Student Association (TLTE-GSA) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln exists to serve and represent graduate students within this department of the College of Education and Human Sciences. In cooperation with departmental faculty and administration, TLTE-GSA promotes the intellectual community of graduate education; sponsors opportunities for professional development; creates opportunities for social interaction among graduate students; and advocates for issues relevant to graduate students and graduate education.
2024-25 Officers:
President: Maggan Quist

Vice President: Inoussa Malgoubri

Treasurer: Jiaxin Xue

Primary Programmer: Kristen Friesen
Helpful UNL Library tools
TLTE's Graduate Student Association was pleased to welcome Dr. Dawes from UNL libraries on October 15, 2021, for an interactive workshop to learn about the amazing library resources. We would like to share with you some of highlights from the session.
Helpful UNL library tools
- SAGE Research Methods - used to search methodology; provides a "explore the methods map"
- Browzine - can add journals to your bookshelf and get alerts when they new articles/editions are published
- WebOfScience-generalized way to search for topics, then can narrow down; has data sets available
- Citation manager - use Zotero or Mendeley

Writing Workshop I: Why Aren't you Writing?
TLTE's Graduate Student Association was pleased to welcome Dr. Sharon Zumbrunn on January 19, 2021 for a discussion of the challenges we face in academic writing, ways we can understand those challenges, and strategies we can use to overcome them. A graduate of the M.A. and Ph.D. programs in educational psychology at UNL, Dr. Zumbrunn is an Associate Professor in the school of education at Virginia Commonwealth University and author of Why Aren't You Writing?: Research, Real Talk, Strategies, and Shenanigans. In addition to her focus on the psychology behind the writing process, Dr. Zumbrunn's work at VCU involves the ways in which the values and practices of educators, elementary through college, impact their students' engagement, motivation, and achievement.

During the remote session, Dr. Zumbrunn spoke about writing strategies and to be forgiving of yourself in your writing process. Finding the motivation to write is complex. We need to remember that even when writing a draft, we are still writing – and that can be considered progress. Dr. Zumbrunn reminded us that sometimes we feel stuck because – we have too much information or we don’t know if we have enough. We question whether we are knowledgeable enough in a particular topic and begin to lose confidence. But alas, she suggests that progress does not always equal unattainable productivity, and establishing personal rewards for your work is essential. Dr. Zumbrunn encourages developing a writing habit that includes rituals as part of your personal system. Make writing less of an event by developing positive associations to move your work forward. Dictate to your phone, consider research time, scholarship time, or 30-minute productive sessions a success. Watch the Video to learn more about how Dr. Zumbrunn guides us to “take the power out of the end product” and enjoy the process!
Writing Workshop II
TLTE-GSA organized an event to talk about everything graduate students need to know for publishing their first journal article. Guest Facilitators were Taylor Hamblin and Heidi Jo Bartlett from the Nebraska Educator Journal. Watch the video here.
Past Activities
Navigating Academia: Preparing for the Job SearchOn Friday April 11th, a panel of TLTE faculty and advanced graduate students responded to questions and concerns about preparing for the job search in academia. Topics of discussion included preparing a C.V. as well as a research and a teaching presentation, knowing what to expect during a campus visit and an interview, and getting advice about organizing materials, negotiating salary, and different types of positions. | Job Search in Academia |
Proposal to Presentation to PublicationOn Friday October 4, 2013 the TLTE-GSA organized an event for graduate students to discuss the details of preparing for and presenting at research conferences and transforming research into publications with faculty members in the department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education. The participating faculty included Dr. Theresa Catalano, Dr. Lauren Gatti, Dr. Elizabeth Lewis, Dr. Karl Hostetler, and Dr. Guy Trainin. | Proposal to Presentation to Publication |
2022-23 Officers:
President: Katie Johnson
Vice President: Hamza Rfissa
Secretary: Zhenji Zhou
Treasurer: Crystal Bock Thiessen
Event Coordinator: Anna Graff
2021-22 Officers:
President: Amy Sokoll Bauer
Vice President: Consuelo Gallardo
Secretary: Alexa Yunes-Koch
Treasurer: Hamza Rfissa
Event Coordinator: Katie Johnson
Social Media and Technology Coordinator: Hector Palala Martinez
2020-21 Officers:
President: Beth Dotan
Vice President: Cindy Linzell
Secretary: Scott Gealy
Treasurer: Scott Block
Social Media and Technology Coordinator: Hector Palala Martinez
2019-20 Officers:
President: Amy Tankersley
Vice President: Beth Dotan
Secretary: Scott Gealy
Treasurer: Pete White
Social Media and Technology Coordinator: Gretchen Larsen