Undergraduate Student Resources

TLTE's undergraduate programs have been designed to prepare you for the challenges of teaching in the 21st century. Coursework includes classes on diversity, foundations of education, child development, multicultural education and instructional technology. The program is led and taught by a masterful and passionate group of faculty, graduate students, advisors, and cooperating teachers. Our goal is to prepare educators ready to teach and lead in the 21st century. The program combines pedagogy, subject matter knowledge, and technology in class and field experiences. The themes guiding learning are caring for individuals, embracing diversity, thinking digitally, and acting reflectively.

  • Stay informed of all requirements and deadlines
  • Maintain contact with your advisor to make sure you are progressing
  • Meet all learning requirements professionally
  • Take responsibility for your learning

Practicum Evaluations: The purpose of UNL clinical field experiences is to bring to life the questions and challenges of learning to teach. The formative nature of professional knowledge is embraced throughout our Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education Elementary Program as revealed through fourteen dimensions of teaching in this instrument. Each practicum (TEAC 297a, 297b, 397a) and student teaching experience (TEAC 497) holds specific goals and advances a particular relationship between theory and practice through associated coursework and program sequencing. Each field experience visits and revisits the common dimensions as students recursively deepen understandings of them as they gradually build proficiency in teaching. Over time, and given room to purposefully integrate these understandings, students increasingly understand the interrelatedness and interdependency of these teaching dimensions.

This assessment is focused on professional growth from the first practicum to student teaching. We do not expect that most students will be considered "Advanced" in most of the categories during TEAC 297a.

Complete the practicum evaluation by clicking on the appropriate link below:


Permission/Override Requests
ELED TEP Application Directions
CEHS Academic Advising and Career Center
CEHS Global Experiences
Student Organizations

Who Does What in TLTE?

STEM Block Registration Sheet

Lit Block Registration Sheet

Methods Block Registration Sheet


Technology Edge
Schmoker Reading Center


Partner Schools

The work in the department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education extends beyond the classrooms at UNL. We have established partnerships with schools all over Nebraska to give our students authentic experiences and to provide support to schools.