
General Undergrad Requirements: Students are required to have earned undergraduate credit in Life Sciences, Chemistry or Physics, Behavior and/or Social Sciences, and Mathematics. A student must have earned a grade of C or better.

Au.D. Program Prerequisites: Students are required to have earned undergraduate credit in Statistics and Research Design/Methods with a grade of C or better. Students are also required to have earned undergraduate credit in Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Mechanism, Hearing Science, Introduction to Audiology, and Auditory Rehabilitation  with a grade of B- or better. Prior to the start of your Au.D. program, your advisor will provide you with your advising form, detailing any deficiencies that you need to complete. 

Graduate-Level Courses

Students must maintain a high level of achievement. Students with unsatisfactory progress may be terminated from their degree program or denied permission to continue studies at the University. Students are expected to earn a B (P) or better in all courses during their program of study.

For SLPA 800-level courses with a 400-level counterpart (400/800 courses): a minimum grade of B is required. Any grade lower than a B may require remediation at the discretion of the instructor. Remediation may include requiring the student to retake all or part of the course. This may require the student to re-enroll and pay for the course a second time.

For SLPA 800-only or 900-level courses: a minimum grade of B- is required. Any grade lower than a B- may require remediation at the discretion of the instructor. Remediation may include requiring the student to retake all or part of the course. This may require the student to re-enroll and pay for the course a second time. Courses listed on the MOC and POS must have a grade of B- or better.

For 800-only or 900-level courses outside SLPA: a minimum grade of C is allowed; however, courses listed on the MOC and POS must have a grade of B- or better.

Review of Student Progress

The Au.D. faculty review students' progress twice a year – midterm of the fall and spring semesters. Any faculty member with a concern and documented communication with the student has an opportunity to voice the concern(s). In addition, faculty have the option of raising concerns at a faculty meeting and/or directly to the Audiology Governance Committee about a student at any point, provided they have documented prior communication with the student. 

Action regarding the concern(s) will be made in accordance with the following:

  1. Take no further action;
  2. Continue individual faculty-student meetings/communication;
  3. Delay the decision for action and re-review at stated time; or 
  4. Instruct the Graduate Governance Committee to write a letter to the student indicating the concern(s), objectives of any stated remediation plan if one is needed, date of expected progress, and consequence(s) if progress is not made. This plan will be reviewed by the adviser with the student.
  5. Instruct Graduate Chair to contact the Office of Graduate Studies about termination of the student's program.


If a student receives one or more grades below a B- for SLPA 800- and 900-level courses, the graduate program could be terminated. This includes grades of NP (no pass) in clinical practicum SLPA 897A or 897T. This decision will be decided on an individual case-by-case basis. Regardless of previous grades, failure to pass the comprehensive examination can result in termination. Please see the Comprehensive Examination section of the handbook for additional details on the process for a non-pass result. This policy differs from that in the UNL Office of Graduate Studies Catalog.