Nothing in this handbook is intended to supplant information contained in the UNL Graduate Catalog. Each student is responsible for being familiar with the information presented in the Graduate Catalog, and for knowing and observing all regulations and procedures relating to the program he/she is pursuing. In no case will the Graduate College waive regulations or grant exceptions because a student pleads ignorance or contends that he/she was not informed of the regulations or procedures of the UNL Graduate College.

Students have access to student support services including University Housing, University Libraries, Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, University Health Center, Counseling and Psychological Services, Career Services Center, University Child Care, Student Ombudsperson, and Campus Recreation. A listing of campus resources and details on accessing these services can be found on the Office of Graduate Studies website and CEHS Student Resources.

Help Center

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln uses Canvas for its online course platform. At the discretion of the instructor, students could find the syllabus, the listing of required textbooks and assignments, and other course-related notes and documents in the specific course Canvas shell. The access to the Canvas course shell is possible once the student has registered for a course and the instructor has made the Canvas course available.

Students may contact the HuskerTech Help Center regarding problems using Canvas or university email accounts by calling 402-472-3970 or toll-free at 866-472-3970. Course instructors may inform students of additional tech supports available for the specific course or practicum.


Requests for Accommodations for Disability

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is committed to a pluralistic campus community through Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity. We assure reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the course instructor for a confidential discussion of their individual needs for academic accommodation.

It is the policy of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to provide flexible and individualized accommodation to students with documented disabilities that may affect their ability to fully participate in course activities or to meet course requirements.

To receive accommodation services, students must be registered with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD), 117 Louise Pound Hall, 402-472-3787 (voice) or 402-472-0053 (TTY) or email at It is the responsibility of the student requiring accommodation to be proactive in contacting the instructor for a confidential discussion of his or her individual needs, and to provide relevant documentation from the SSD.

Requests for Full-Time Enrollment

Ph.D. students are expected to be full-time students. Should it be necessary, and following discussion with the Chair of the Supervisory Committee, a student may register for part-time enrollment (fewer than 9 credits). If the student desires continuation of student insurance and/or is needing full-time status for financial aid during these part-time enrollment periods, the student can request Certification of Full-time Status, if they have achieved Candidacy for the Ph.D. Click here for more information about full- and part-time status.

Counseling and Psychological Services

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers a variety of options to students to aid them in dealing with stress and adversity. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is a multidisciplinary team of psychologists and counselors that works collaboratively with Nebraska students to help them explore their feelings and thoughts, and learn helpful ways to improve their mental psychological and emotional well-being when issues arise. CAPS can be reached by calling 402-472-7450.

Big Red Resilience & Well-Being provides one-on-one well-being coaching to any student who wants to enhance their well-being. Trained well-being coaches help students create and be grateful for positive experiences, practice resilience and self-compassion, and find support as they need it. Big Red Resilience can be reached by calling 402-472-8770.

Writing Center

The Writing Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has undergraduate and graduate Writing Consultants who work with writers at all levels, from all disciplines, at all stages of the writing process. All forms of communication are welcome, from essays, lab reports, research papers and journal articles to presentations, cover letters, personal statements and theses/dissertations. To learn more about the options for connecting with a Consultant either in person or online, visit the Writing Center Services webpage.

Student Involvement

Students are encouraged to participate in student groups and associations that may further their professional development. A list of opportunities can be found by clicking here.


All students, including distance education students, at the University of Nebraska have privacy rights. Those rights are discussed under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). For more information, visit the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's FERPA webpage.

Safety Procedures

The safety of all individuals in SECD is of utmost importance to the department. General emergency information can be found on the UNL Police Department website.

Faculty and students are strongly encouraged to sign up for the UNL Text Alert system, which provides messages during emergency situations. Sign-up can be completed by clicking here.

The phone number for UNL Police is 402-472-2222. If there is an immediate emergency, dial 911.

The following is a list of topics that may require action. Preparation is the best way to manage emergency situations. Please consider reviewing the policies and procedures for the following possible incidents each semester:



Active Shooter: 

Shots Fired: 

Weather Emergencies

The decision to close the University because of severe weather or other reasons shall be made by the Chancellor. The Director of University Communications will notify radio and television stations and other appropriate media. Every effort will be made to have closedown information in the news media by 6:00 a.m. for day classes and by 2:00 p.m. for night classes. During an emergency, the UNL community and public will receive information through the web and news media, as well as by email and text through UNL Alert.

Barkley Memorial Center Access

Barkley Memorial Center's exterior doors are scheduled to be open during normal business hours, which may vary by semester due to evening classes. The semester door schedule is posted next to each elevator. Students who need access to the building after normal business hours for academic or research purposes should see Julie Lanxon in 301 Barkley Memorial Center or have their academic adviser contact Julie.

NCard use is monitored through the UNL Card Access Management System. Access can be revoked at any time. Questions about NCard access should be directed to Julie Lanxon in 301 Barkley Memorial Center. Students in the Barkley Memorial Center agree to use NCard access only for themselves and will not admit anyone except themselves. Students agree not to prop open the doors or place tape or another object over the door latch so the door can easily be pulled open. The doors will sound an alarm if held open more than 1 minute, resulting in UNLPD being dispatched.

If students are permitted UNL-issued keys for locked desks, labs or clinic doors, students will be required to order and purchase the approved keys for $25/key. Desk assignments and key purchases will be made during Orientation Week.  All keys purchased during the student's tenure in the program must be returned prior to graduation. Once returned, the student will receive a full refund for all keys purchased. There is a $100 fine assessed for each key not returned at the end of the student's program and a hold will be placed on academic transcripts until fees are paid.

Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders Contacts

Jill England, Graduate Coordinator

Dr. Angela Dietsch, Graduate Faculty Chair

Dr. Kristy Weissling, Interim Department Chair