Cathy Gabell Undergraduate Project Associate

B.A. in English, Minors in Biological Sciences & German, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Fulbright Scholar Program, Germany, Comparative Literature, Universität des Saarlandes
M.A. in German Language and Literature, Linguistics/ESL Methodology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Cathy has previously worked for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as a lecturer in Programs in English as a Second Language, English, and German departments. During the pandemic, she worked for the 2020 US Census, the Nebraska Department of Insurance, and the Nebraska Department of Labor. During her college and graduate career, Cathy spent part of her time at UNL in Germany studying abroad. She attended Universität Bayreuth and Universität des Saarlandes, studying German and Comparative Literature. Cathy is one of the newest graduate students in the Master of Arts in Educational Administration, specialization in Higher Education/Community College.