UNL Aspiring Educators Undergraduate
This pre-professional organization for future teachers strives to improve the quality of tomorrow's educators. The group meets bi-monthly and includes activities such as discussions with guest speakers, fund-raising activities, and community service projects.
In addition, as a member you will:
• receive professional publications
• reduced prices at Lincoln restaurants and retail outlets
• be able build a supportive network of future professionals
• improve your knowledge and understanding of K-12 schools
• be eligible to receive Occupational Liability Coverage which covers all practicum and student teaching experiences
• gain membership of the Nebraska State Education Association (NSEA) and National Education Association (NEA)
Pre-Professional Educators of Mathematics Doing Awesome Stuff (PEMDAS)
PEMDAS is a pre-professional club that aims to create a community of educators who have a passion for mathematics teaching, whether this be students earning certification in 6 – 12 mathematics teaching, elementary education, or anyone with an interest in mathematics education. The mission of PEMDAS is to build community and support future mathematics educators.
As a member of PEMDAS, you will:
- Have the opportunity to connect with students across cohorts and faculty in mathematics education
- Have access to professional development and networking opportunities
- Have the opportunity to attend academic and social events such as study nights and team building events
- Have the opportunity to participate in meaningful service and community development opportunities that support your development as a mathematics teacher
- Earn a free student e-membership to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM] (pending our Student Affiliate Application approval) which provides access to the digital edition of NCTM’s award-winning K-12 school journals and the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME) , free admission to the NCTM Regional Conferences and Expositions, discounted registration to the NCTM annual meeting, discounts on professional development publications and opportunities, and access to online resources
Instagram: @unlpemdas
Current Officers:
- President: Kate Gabel, gabel4@huskers.unl.edu
- Program Coordinator: Carlin King, cking19@huskers.unl.edu
- Treasurer: Ben Gerdes, ggerdes2@huskers.unl.edu
- NCTM Representative: Bryant Peck, bpeck5@huskers.unl.edu
Lorraine Males Julie and Henry Bauermeister Associate Professor in Education and Human Sciences & Graduate Chair
Future Teacher of Color Group Undergraduate
The FTOC group is a discussion-based affinity group tailored for culturally and linguistically diverse future educators of all kinds.
Mission: The mission of FTOC is to provide incoming and continuing Black, Indigenous, & Students of Color (BIPoC) in CEHS space for engagement, mentorship, leadership and professional development opportunities, critical reflection, support, and community building with other BIPoC students in CEHS.
Vision: Our vision is to increase recruitment, retention, graduation, and sustainment of future BIPoC teachers from within CEHS undergraduate programs while also advocating for more affirming, inclusive, and anti-racist policies and practices within white normative educational spaces.
Contact Info:
President: Isela Tercero Email: itercero2@huskers.unl.edu
Advisor: Amanda R. Morales Email: amanda.morales@unl.edu