Academic Honesty and Integrity

Academic honesty is essential to the existence and integrity of an academic institution. The responsibility for maintaining that integrity is shared by all members of the academic community. The University's Student Code of Conduct addresses academic dishonesty. Students who commit acts of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action and are granted due process and the right to appeal any decision.

University of Nebraska Student Code of Condect

Students at the University of Nebraska are members of an academic community in which academic integrity and responsible conduct are essential for the community to function. To ensure that students know what is expected of them, the University has adopted the Standards of Academic Integrity and Responsible Conduct (“Standards”).

All allegations of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking are investigated and addressed following the procedures set forth in Executive Memorandum No. 38.