An athletic training student (ATS) may be placed on probation for violating the following Program and Retention Policies of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Athletic Training Program (UNL ATP):
Failure to Achieve Minimum Grade Requirements
- Failure to maintain an overall grade point average of 3.0.
- Failing to earn a minimum grade of "B" in each course applied toward the Master of Science in Athletic Training degree, as outlined in the UNL Graduate and Professional Catalog:
- Failing to successfully complete all Athletic Training (ATHT) academic coursework with a grade of "B" or higher.
- The student must retake any ATHT course(s) during the next available offering. Failure to do so will result in termination from the UNL ATP.
Failure to Meet Clinical Education Standards
- Failing to successfully complete all CAATE standard integrations with a minimum score of 3 out of 4 in each standard within all UNL ATP clinical education courses.
Failure to Pass Core Courses
- Failing to earn a minimum grade of "B" in EDPS 859 (Statistical Methods) or NUTR 805 (Research Methods).
- The student must retake these courses during the next available offering. Failure to do so will result in termination from the program.
Failure in Administrative Duties
- Inaccurate documentation of clinical education hours and patient contacts.
- Receiving unsatisfactory evaluations regarding professional and ethical conduct in clinical education courses.
- Failing to meet with an advisor and complete Annual Progress Reports for each semester of enrollment in the UNL ATP.
- Failing to adhere to the course sequence outlined in the UNL Athletic Training Program Student Handbook and the Graduate Studies Course Catalog.
When an ATS is placed on probation for a GPA below 3.0, the program director will schedule a meeting to develop a plan for returning to good academic standing.
When an ATS is placed on probation for failure to meet the minimum grade of "B" in any ATHT course, the following actions will be implemented:
- The student will be removed from all ATHT didactic and clinical education courses for the subsequent semester.
- The student must retake the failed ATHT course(s) during the next available offering. Failure to do so will result in termination from the program.
When an ATS is placed on probation for failing to earn a "B" or higher in EDPS 859 or NUTR 805, they may continue in the program but must retake the course(s) in the next available offering. Failure to do so will result in termination from the program.
Upon probation, the UNL Athletic Training Program Faculty Admissions Committee in collaboration with the student, will develop a written improvement plan. This plan will outline the reasons for probation, the probationary duration, and specific conditions required for the student to regain good standing.
- The written improvement plan will be submitted to the NHS Graduate Committee for approval.
- Once approved, the Chair of the NHS Graduate Committee will notify the Dean of Graduate Studies in writing.
Students placed on probation may lose eligibility for certain funding (e.g., fellowships) as determined by the policies governing the funding source.
Probation will be lifted once all conditions outlined in the improvement plan are met. These conditions include, but are not limited to:
- Retaking the ATHT course(s) in which an unsatisfactory grade was received, achieving a grade of "B" or higher. Failure to do so will result in termination from the program, requiring the student to reapply for admission.
- Retaking EDPS 859 or NUTR 805 and earning a "B" or higher. Failure to do so will result in termination from the program.
- If a grade of "B" or higher is not achieved on the second attempt, the student will be terminated from the program and will need to reapply for admission.