CH 2: Section 14 - Immunization Policy

All applicants applying to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln must have the following immunizations up to date, be in the process of completing the series, or have a signed waiver declining the hepatitis B vaccine before participating in any UNL Athletic Training Program (UNL ATP) clinical education activity:

  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
  • PPD Test (Tuberculosis Skin Test)
  • Hepatitis B vaccine and/or signed waiver declining the vaccine

Students are responsible for the costs of obtaining these required UNL ATP immunizations. Failure to submit verification of the required immunizations to the program director before beginning assigned clinical education activities will result in the student being unable to continue in the program until all missing documentation is submitted. Immunization requirements and trainings may change during enrollment in the program, and students are expected to comply with all changes to this policy.

Athletic Training Program Policies & Procedures