Joan Kunzman
Administrative Support Associate, HRTM
Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
LEV 202
Lincoln NE 68583-0806 - Phone
Joan joined UNL in August 1998 as a clerical worker within the Office of Admissions. From October 1999-July 2006, she also served as the office's Honors Recruitment Staff Secretary.
In July 2006, Joan transitioned to a new role in the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences as Administrative Support Associate for the Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management program, a position she still holds today.
In addition to teaching Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management courses (HRTM 172 and HRTM 397), Joan is a member of the Staff Senate and also serves as a mentor in the Staff Mentorship Program.
Stop by the HRTM Suite at Leverton Hall (Room 202) to see her for assistance with all matters related to the Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management program.
2004: M.S., Agriculture Leadership, Education & Communication, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1992: B.A., Major: Psychology/Minor: Sociology, Doane University
- Doane University Capital Alumni Chapter Board of Directors
- Make-A-Wish Nebraska Wish Granter