13 Sep 2013    

Geisinger running for president of American Psychology Association

Kurt Geisinger, Director of the Buros Center for Testing and Meierhenry Distinguished University Professor at the University of Nebraska, has announced his candidacy for president of the American Psychological Association. As Director of the Buros Center, Geisinger led efforts to produce volumes such as the Mental Measurement Yearbooks as well as a variety of consulting projects, all aimed at effectively combining science and practice of psychology.

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02 Jul 2012    

Swearer and colleagues report link betwen behavior issues, disabilities and bullying

Students receiving special-education services for behavioral disorders and those with more obvious disabilities are more likely to be bullied than their general-education counterparts — and are also more likely to bully other students, a new study shows.

The findings, published in the Journal of School Psychology, highlight the complexity of bullying's nature and the challenges in addressing the problem, said lead author Susan Swearer, professor of school psychology at UNL.

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31 May 2012    

Psychometric Society meeting is July 9-12

The Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education and Human Sciences is hosting the 77th Annual Conference of the Psychometric Society. The conference will be held at the Cornhusker Hotel July 9-12, with workshops July 9 and the main meeting beginning July 10.

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31 May 2012    

UNL study on Nebraska Latino youth is first of its kind


A research team based at UNL wants to understand what factors predict Latino youth adjustment by launching a large-scale study of Latino youth in Nebraska.

The goal is to understand the experiences of Latino youth in the state, their strengths and challenges, and the family and community supports that help them succeed. Latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group in Nebraska and the United States.

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07 May 2012    

Badiee is the 2011-2012 winner of the Barbara A. Kirk research award

Manijeh Badiee is the 2011-2012 winner of the Barbara A. Kirk research award given annually by the Society of Counseling Psychology. Her award recognizes her dissertation research, which "puts a face on Iranian women, the country's history, and current political discourse," and represents the core value of social justice in counseling psychology. Badoee will be presented the award at the APA conference this August. Mike Scheel (EDPS) is her advisor.

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04 Apr 2012    

Justice will present April 13 on promoting young children's literacy

Laura Justice will present April 13 on the topic, "Promoting Young Children's Knowledge About Print: Designing Systemic Early Literacy Interventions." Justice directs the Preschool Language and Literacy Research Lab at The Ohio State University.

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Kurt Geisinger

09 Mar 2012    

Geisinger appointed to educator performance standards team

Kurt Geisinger, professor of educational psychology, has been appointed to a 28-member commission to craft performance standards for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. The commission is a 15-month commitment.

The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation was created in 2010 by the merger of two separate accreditors, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Teacher Education Accreditation Council.

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26 Feb 2012    

Swearer to help launch Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation

This week, Lady Gaga and her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, will officially launch the Born This Way Foundation to promote tolerance and empowerment among youth. Susan Swearer, a UNL professor of school psychology and an anti-bullying expert, will be among a select group of scholars to help lead the kickoff event.

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23 Jan 2012    

Bovaird presents as part of research methodologies series Jan. 27

Not All Students Need to be Assessed: Research Designs Where Data are Intentionally Missing
Friday, Jan. 27, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
265 Mabel Lee Hall

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