NHS offers a graduate certificate in collaboration with other academic departments. This Graduate Certificate in Nutrition, Non-Coding RNAs and Extracellular Vesicles requires 6-18 credit hours. This certificate can be completed with or without being enrolled in an MS or PhD degree program. Courses completed for the certificate may also be used to meet requirements for a concurrent degree program. The requirements and courses are summarized here: https://cehs.unl.edu/nhs/programs/certificate-nutrition/.
NHS Graduate Student Handbook
- Purpose of the Handbook
- Introduction
- Contacts
- Huskers Email Account
- Graduate Student Office Space and Mailboxes
- Graduate Forms
- Personal Well-Being, Safety, and Preparedness
- Graduate Education Oversight
- Probation and Termination
- Semester and Annual Evaluations
- Workload and Time Management
- Professional Conduct
- Enrollment
- Courses
- Research and Writing Resources
- Research and Projects
- Degree and Specialization Requirements - Overview
- MS Option A (with thesis)
- MS Option B (non-thesis)
- Doctoral Degree Requirements
- Professional Development Opportunities
- Fellowships and Travel Grants
- Assistantships
- Non-discrimination Policy