Purpose of the Handbook

This handbook provides a summary of policies and procedures relevant to studies in the Nutrition and Health Sciences graduate program and successful completion of an advanced degree. All graduate students should refer to this handbook for guidance.

This handbook, however, is not a replacement for the UNL Graduate Studies Catalog (online at: catalog.unl.edu/graduate-professional), which contains current information on graduate program requirements, thesis/dissertation guidelines, and deadlines.

It is the responsibility of the student to be familiar with the information in the UNL Graduate Studies Catalog and to know and observe all regulations and procedures relating to the program he or she is pursuing. In no case will a regulation be waived, or an exception granted, because a student pleads ignorance of, or contends that he or she was not informed of, the regulations or procedures. A student planning to graduate should be familiar with the dates relating to application for graduation and other pertinent deadlines.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln expressly reserves the right to do the following:

  • add or delete courses from its offerings
  • change course times or locations
  • change academic calendars without notice
  • cancel any course for insufficient registrations
  • modify, consolidate, or delete any program
  • revise or change rules, charges, fees, schedules, courses, requirements for degrees, and any other regulation affecting students including, but not limited to, evaluation standards whenever considered necessary or desirable

A special thank you to UNL’s Department of Food Science and Technology for sharing their Graduate Handbook to assist the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences in creating this handbook.