Messages in Cloth April 19 - 24 at the Rotunda Gallery
30 Apr 2009
Students enrolled in TXCD 471 Experimental Apparel Design and TXCD 472 Inventing the Crafted Fabric joined forces to mount Messages in Cloth at the Rotunda Gallery in the Nebraska Union on City Campus. The show, which ran from April 19 - 24th, brought together examples of the inventive and fashion forward work of TCD textile and apparel design majors.
The show evidenced a willingness on the students' part to stretch ideas of fashion and apparel and to think out of the box. At the closing reception on Friday April 24th models wearing some of the products of these classes mingled with students, their families, friends and members of the UNL and TCD communities in a gala "hats off" to these talented designers.
On hand were Dr. Barbara Trout, instructor for the 471 course, and visiting lecturer Judith James, instructor for 472. These relatively new TCD courses represent a direction toward increased experimentation and collaborative curricular engagement.
Photos courtesy Bob Meier Photography
Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design