08 Feb 2011    

Winter Welcome

LOOSE THREADS has been on a bit of a hiatus since the Fall semester but as we settle comfortably into the Spring 2011 schedule, department activity is picking up momentum once again, and our occasional blogspot likewise. Undergraduate students led by editor-in-chief Rachel Jensen began the new semester with the publication of the 5th THIS SEASON 'zine, featuring the latest in fashion and accessories available at local retailers and online merchants. This student produced magazine never fails to generate excitement and interest in the local fashion scene, and puts our students' diverse talents on display for the campus and community.

View Winter Welcome Article

18 Jan 2011    

Indian Textiles and Costumes: Perspectives and Potential exhibition open

Indian Textiles and Costumes: Perspectives and Potential opened on Tuesday, January 18 and continues on exhibition at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery through February 11, 2011. Traditional Indian handcrafted textiles and their use in Indian costumes and everyday life provided the foundation for exploration and design development for the work presented in the exhibition.

View Indian Textiles and Costumes: Perspectives and Potential exhibition open Article

21 Oct 2010    

Panhandle Slim President Jeffrey Hochster Visits TCD

On Friday October 15, 2010, the department welcomed Mr. Jeffrey Hochster, President of Westmoor Mfg Co of Fort Worth, Texas, and the parent company of western wear purveyors Panhandle Slim [http://www.panhandleslim.com/]. Mr. Hochster toured our facilities, met with faculty and students to provide us with an overview of his company's business and market, and met with students to discuss the state of the industry today, the company’s internship and employment opportunities, and the skill sets that Westmoor seeks in interns and prospective employees.

View Panhandle Slim President Jeffrey Hochster Visits TCD Article

09 Sep 2010    

THIS Season Fall '10 now in print!

The fifth edition of the TCD student-produced 'zine THIS Season is now available at various locations around the department and the campuses. Coinciding with New York FASHION WEEK, the publication highlights some of the latest fashion trends as seen in local boutiques including Tsuru, Stella, The Black Market, Anonymous and Blu Velvet, and also features work by TCD grads including Pretty Good Things' creator and TCD visiting lecturer Mary Pattavina.

View THIS Season Fall '10 now in print! Article

09 Sep 2010    

Governor Heineman Declares October Textiles Month

Governor Dave Heineman has declared October "Textiles Month" in acknowledgment of the choice by the Textile Society of America to hold its biennial symposium here in Lincoln, under the sponsorship of TCD and the College of Education and Human Sciences. Professor Wendy Weiss and Dr. Diane Vigna, co-chairs of the conference, have been working tirelessly over the last two years in planning toward this event.

View Governor Heineman Declares October Textiles Month Article

16 Aug 2010    

TCD Students and Faculty Participate in First China Study Tour

TCD China Study Tour Participants with Apparel and Textile Students from Donghua University, Shanghai

Thirty UNL students, most from the Department of Textiles, Clothing and Design, and six faculty returned on May 27 from a twelve day trip to Shanghai and neighboring textile and apparel production centers in Suzhou and Wuxi. The trip was one of three 2010 UNL Global Gateways projects, with underwriting provided through the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs that supported twenty student scholars and three faculty fellows.

View TCD Students and Faculty Participate in First China Study Tour Article

16 Aug 2010    

Dr. Shubha Bennur Joins the TCD Faculty

TCD is happy to welcome Dr. Shubha Bennur, Assistant Professor of Merchandising, who joins our faculty this semester. Dr. Bennur received her Ph.D. from Oklahoma State University earlier this summer, with a specialization in Apparel Merchandising. Her dissertation topic, From Apparel Product Attributes to Brand Loyalty: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of U.S. and Indian Consumers Attribute Choices Applying Kano’s Theory, explores and contrasts product preferences and related buying behaviors of American and South Asian consumers.

View Dr. Shubha Bennur Joins the TCD Faculty Article

16 Aug 2010    

Tom Lundberg's MICROCOSMS currently on view in the Hillestad Gallery

            Leave any preconceptions you might have about embroidery at the door of the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery when you arrive to view the magical stitched worlds created by Tom Lundberg. The artist wryly subverts notions of this genteel pastime by composing and painstakingly needling unpredictable, surreal, perverse or mystical dream states that serve as cautionary statements about our relationships with both the natural and the built universes we inhabit.

View Tom Lundberg's MICROCOSMS currently on view in the Hillestad Gallery Article

27 Apr 2010    

TCD Students and Faculty Attend Annual Dallas Career Day

TCD students at Dallas Career Day, from left: Caitlin Ratzlaff, Ambriana Mckissick, Jaclyn Geist, Bridgett O’Leary, Amanda Hodson, Staney Rostad, and Molly Wheeler; right photo: view of vendor space at World Market Center

On April 9th, 7 TCD students attended Dallas Career Day at the World Market Center in Dallas, Texas.  They were led by Senior Lecturer Carol Easley and Assistant Professor Dr. Harriet McLeod. The annual event is hosted by The Fashion Group International and presented by Paris American Academy and Brighton.  The event featured many guest speakers and seminars. Among these was Shirin Askari from Season 6 of Project Runway , and the keynote speaker, fashion designer and Texas native Jodi Arnold.  Jodi has had great success in the fashion industry and just recently collaborated on a line with The Limited.  She shared lots of great tips with students on how to achieve success in the field.  

View TCD Students and Faculty Attend Annual Dallas Career Day Article

26 Apr 2010    

TCD Faculty and Staff Receive College Awards

Dean Marjorie Kostelnik with IQSC&M Curator of Collections Carolyn Ducey

TCD was well represented in this year's annual CEHS Faculty and Staff Awards event, held on Friday April 16 at Nebraska Union. Dean Marjorie Kostelnik presented the CEHS Staff Award for meritorious service to the Curator of Collections of the International Quilt Study Center & Museum, Carolyn Ducey. Carolyn has been involved with the IQSC&M since its inception, and has worked tirelessly to grow and to exhibit the Center's collections, the largest public collection of quilts in the world. She was cited for her upbeat, positive outlook, her good humor and her commitment to developing and maintaining the highest professional standards for the IQSC&M.

Dr. Barbara Trout received the CEHS Faculty Student Mentoring Award.

View TCD Faculty and Staff Receive College Awards Article