Graduate education can be expensive, however, there are resources that can help lower the cost. Many graduate students fund their programs through teaching or research assistantships. Such experiences are an important part of the student's professional development and help prepare them for future careers by providing valuable work experiences.
What Are Graduate Assistantships?
A graduate assistantship provides financial support for a graduate student for a set period of time during which the student is expected to pursue activities towards the advanced degree. Other benefits may include tuition remission and health insurance at a reduced cost.
A limited number of graduate assistantships are awarded on a competitive basis. The actual number of assistantships awarded to Master's or Doctoral students is dependent on budget allocations for the year.
How Do You Apply for a Graduate Assistantship in the Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design?
To be considered for a graduate assistantship in the Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design, you must apply for admission to a residential graduate program in the department. All fully-admitted graduate students are annually considered for teaching and research assistantships based on qualifications, availability of funding, and department needs. No formal assistantship application is required. If you haven't already submitted your application for admission, you can do so with the Office of Graduate Studies.
If you have questions about graduate assistantship opportunities, please contact the TMFD Graduate Chair and your TMFD Advisor.
What is Expected of a Graduate Assistant?
Graduate assistantships are generally available on a nine-month basis, although some may be awarded for a semester only. Terms of employment for the graduate assistantship include a full obligation to graduate assistantship hours the week before classes begin and the week after final examination week. Usual academic holidays are included. However, vacations and sick leave are not awarded, and arrangements must be made for work time missed. If you are awarded a graduate assistantship, additional details regarding the assistantship will be available in the offer letter.
Recipients of graduate assistantships must demonstrate satisfactory progress toward degree requirements and fulfillment of the job description of the assistantship (i.e. work performed equivalent to the budgeted remuneration) to maintain the assistantship award.
Graduate Assistantship Details
Want to learn more about how graduate assistantships work? Check out the Office of Graduate Studies Assistantship webpage.
Other Funding Sources
Graduate assistantships in the Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design are limited and competitive. Thus, if alternative funding is needed, please consult the Office of Graduate Studies Funding webpage, the Graduate & Professional Catalog, and the Office of Financial Aid webpage.
Assistantships can be sought from other departments and offices at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Other assistantship opportunities may be found on the College of Education and Human Science's Graduate Assistantship webpage. If your advisor is a member of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR) or the Agricultural Research Division (ARD), please consult the ARD Graduate Fellowship webpage.
Looking for Funding for Conference Travel?
Attending and presenting at a professional conference can be expensive. To help offset travel expenses, various opportunities are available. Check out the links below for more information:
- David H. and Annie E. Larrick Graduate Student Travel Grant*
- CEHS Student Professional Development Conference Travel Grant
- Office of Graduate Studies Travel Grant
*Must have an advisor with an IANR/ARD appointment
Need Additional Funding Resources?
International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO)
International and National Fellowships
Please contact the Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design at 402-472-2911 or

Full Graduate Tuition & Fee Information:
For more information about the costs of graduate tuition per credit hour for our program and fees, please visit the Graduate/Professional Tuition page with Student Accounts.