Sandra Starkey
Associate Professor
Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
GNHS 203
Lincoln NE 68583-0802 - Phone
CV: Download
My programs of scholarship, creativity, and teaching explores methodology that advances inclusive design and sustainable production in the textile and fashion industry. By exploring these issues, my work addresses two critical needs, the lack of inclusive apparel design options and the negative environmental impact of the industry. Specifically, my scholarship focuses on a) developing methods that designers can use to create apparel and accessories for people with a diverse range of needs [e.g., wheelchair users, older adults, dancers], and b) developing sustainable approaches to design that minimize the textiles and apparel industry’s negative environmental impact.
PH.D., 2016, Human Environmental Sciences, University of Missouri
M.A., 2011, Textiles, Clothing & Design, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
B.S., 1991, Textiles, Clothing & Design, University of Nebraska-Lincoln