Yiqi Yang
Charles Bessey Professor
Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
GNHS 221
Lincoln NE 68583-0802 - Phone
CV: Download
As a textile chemical engineer, my research interests are in green polymers and materials, biotextile engineering, and fiber and textile chemistry. Examples of my researches include development of new lignocellulosic, protein and synthetic fibers from agricultural wastes and byproducts, and application of green materials in textiles, composites, cosmetics and medical industries. I have extensive experiences in fiber and textile productions and have close relationships with fiber and textile industries internationally.
Ph.D., Purdue University
M.S., Chemical Engineering, Donghua University
Honors and Recognition
- Gamma Sigma Delta (The Honor Society of Agriculture) Nebraska Chapter 2011 Research Award.
- Charles Bessy Professorship, March, 2007 (Renewed 2012) (University Distinguished Professorship).
- "Big 12 Rising Star" Award 2007.
- Faculty Student Menoriting Award of the College of Education and Human Sciences.
- 2007.Outstanding Instructor at the University of Illinois. 1992.
- 2001-Present, Professor, Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design, and Department of Biological Systems Engineering
- 1997-2001, Professor and Director (2001), Department of Chemical, Energy and Environment, Institute of Textile Technology
- 1996-1997, Senior Research Specialist, Growth Technology, Monsanto Company
- 1994-1995, Assistant Professor, Department of Coloration and Finishing, Institute of Textile Technology
- 1991-1994, Assistant Professor, Textile Science in the School of Human Resources and family Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 1984-1986, Instructor, Textile Chemical Engineering, Department of Textile Chemical Engineering, Donghua University