30 Aug 2013    

Lohr Laboratory's GRAPHTEC plotter now online

Faculty members Martha Horvay, Barbara Trout and Youngjoo Lee (l. to r.) marvel at a pants leg pattern piece drafted and cut in minutes on the department's new Graphtec plotter/cutter.

View Lohr Laboratory's GRAPHTEC plotter now online Article

02 Aug 2013    

African art gala and auction funds CEHS scholarships for education abroad

The College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the Malaika Foundation are hosting a Gala Celebration of African Art, Cuisine and Fashion from 6-9 p.m., Friday, Sept. 27, 2013 at Quilt House, home of the International Quilt Study Center and Museum, 1523 N. 33rd St. in Lincoln. The gala will raise funds for scholarships to support education abroad experiences for students in CEHS.

View African art gala and auction funds CEHS scholarships for education abroad Article

23 Jul 2013    

For the Body, for the Soul: African Textiles and Costumes from the Natalie Hahn Collection

Exhibition at the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery
2nd Floor Human Sciences Building , 35 and Holdrege Streets, East Campus
July 15 – September 20, 2013

View For the Body, for the Soul: African Textiles and Costumes from the Natalie Hahn Collection Article

02 Jul 2013    

Smith earns Best of Show

Congratulations to TMFD major Rachael Smith on receiving the AAFCS's Best of Show Undergraduate Award for her design "Geometrics in Lace" at the 104th AAFCS Design Showcase & Exhibition in Houston, Texas last week. 
Congratulations also to Assistant Professor of Practice Youngjoo Lee and TMFD major Kailtlyn Coufal for the selection of their design works, also featured in the AAFCS show.



View Smith earns Best of Show Article

26 Jun 2013    

"The Sounds of Fashion," a runway show by Yang Yu

“The Sounds of Fashion,” a runway show by Yang Yu.

This show features fashion design work inspired by decades of significant, international musical styles.

Friday, June 28, 2013, 12:00 p.m.
East Campus Union Great Plains Room

This show is the culmination of Yang Yu’s Option II in fulfillment of a Master of Arts Degree in Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design in the College of Education and Human Sciences.

The public is welcome.


View "The Sounds of Fashion," a runway show by Yang Yu Article

30 May 2013    

TMFD Merchandising major Anna Keiser wins Ray M. Greenly Scholarship

Washington, May 30, 2013 – More than two dozen college students, including TMFD's Anna Keiser, received great news this month when they learned they were chosen as recipients of $5,000 scholarships from the National Retail Federation Foundation’s Ray M. Greenly Scholarship Fund.

View TMFD Merchandising major Anna Keiser wins Ray M. Greenly Scholarship Article

30 May 2013    

Keiser, TMFD, awarded scholarship and stipend

CEHS is happy to announce that TMFD Merchandising major Anna Keiser is the recipient of the Ray M. Greenly Scholarship awarded by the National Retail Federation. The $5000 scholarship is also accompanied by a $2500 stipend that will underwrite Anna's attendance at the NRF's annual convention in Chicago this Fall.

View Keiser, TMFD, awarded scholarship and stipend Article

29 May 2013    

TMFD rates high in FashionSchools.org poll

TMFD rated 8th nationally in Merchandising programs by FashionSchools.org. The program also was rated 19th among design schools.

View TMFD rates high in FashionSchools.org poll Article

07 May 2013    

Constructing History: Structures and Silhouettes

Period dress speaks of the wearer and the decades past. Recreating historical garments allows us to learn about sewing and design. This exhibit features both original historical garments and reproductions, telling the story of fashion in the Midwest.

Molly McPherson curates Constructing History: Structures and Silhouettes.

The exhibit can be seen at the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery, May 13 through June 28, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.


View Constructing History: Structures and Silhouettes Article

29 Apr 2013    

TMFD Faculty and Students Travel to Dallas Career Day

Thirty-five students and four faculty from Textiles, Merchandising, and Fashion Design traveled to Texas from April 10 through 12 for the 45th Annual Dallas Career Day sponsored by Fashion Group International.

View TMFD Faculty and Students Travel to Dallas Career Day Article