05 Sep 2014    

"Doors Across Time," Weifang Gong, TMFD alumna, M.A. in Textile Design 2014

Exhibition Date: Sept. 15 through Oct. 10, 2014

Inspired by door patterns from China and America, Weifang Gong examines the symbolism of doors in human life.  Integrating traditional printmaking methods with textile dye and discharge processes on cotton and silk organza, she has created a series of panels that depict her story of study and growth using imagery based on door patterns, self-portraiture, and emblems of Chinese and American culture.

View "Doors Across Time," Weifang Gong, TMFD alumna, M.A. in Textile Design 2014 Article

05 Sep 2014    

'Signature Cloths' tells stories through stitches

A new exhibition opening on Sept. 5 at the International Quilt Study Center & Museum will shed light on the role stitched signatures can play in depicting the lives of the every person.

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24 Jun 2014    

TMFD Biennial Student Runway Show draws capacity audience

TMFD’s Biennial Student Runway show Fusion Fashion , took place on Friday April 25 at 8:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union’s Centennial Ballroom.

View TMFD Biennial Student Runway Show draws capacity audience Article


24 Jun 2014    

Mary Mitchell Fashion Excellence Award Winners Announced

The 2014 Biennial Student Runway Show, held on April 25 in the Centennial Ballroom at City Union, culminated in the announcement of the Mary Mitchell Fashion Excellence Awards, chosen by guest jurors and TMFD alumnae JLynn Hausmann of JHAUS brand in Los Angeles, CA, and Amanda Valentine of Valentine, Valentine, based in Nashville, TN.

View Mary Mitchell Fashion Excellence Award Winners Announced Article


24 Jun 2014    

Spring 2014 New York Study Tour a Success for All

Being a fashion design major, your one real dream is to go to New York City. NYC is where it all happens, from fashion week to major corporate headquarters; it’s the city where dreams come true. Caitlin Larwood, editorial director at makeup.com, told us that, “Dream jobs happen in this city.” Hearing that come from someone who has worked in the city for about five years and has an incredible job makes the reality of it hit home. We were going to a city where the most important events in fashion happen and I was more than ready for it.

View Spring 2014 New York Study Tour a Success for All Article

02 May 2014    

Yang and colleagues receive Nebraska Research Initiative Grant

Yiqi Yang, Charles Bessey Professor TMFD, has received grant funding from the Nebraska Research Initiative for the proposal, “Development of bioactive polymeric meshes to reduce complications of hernia repair surgery.” Yang and his two CO-PI—both from UNMC—were cited for the interdisciplinarity and excellence of project team and the project’s strong promise for future funding and potential commercialization. The funding amount is $100,000.


View Yang and colleagues receive Nebraska Research Initiative Grant Article

02 May 2014    

Wagner exhibit May 18 through Sept. 5 Hillestad Textiles Gallery

Artist Sarah Wagner investigates invisible environmental systems such as genetic mutation, radiation, class and race. In her talk, she will discuss her most recent work which explores her neighborhood in the inner city of Detroit and the “invisible” strata, of which she has become increasingly aware. She has developed advanced patterning and sewing methods to create complex organic forms.

Wagner’s exhibit, Yard/Zone begins May 18 and runs through Sept. 5, 2014

View Wagner exhibit May 18 through Sept. 5 Hillestad Textiles Gallery Article

02 May 2014    

Weiss retirement May 22

Wendy Weiss, professor TMFD, will be honored at a reception recognizing her retirement from the university, 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 22 at the Sheldon Art Museum on UNL’s city campus. The Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design and the College of Education and Human Sciences invite you to join them in recognizing Weiss’s career and accomplishments over the last 28 years. RSVP to rsamuelson1@unl.edu before May 15.

View Weiss retirement May 22 Article

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25 Apr 2014    

TMFD alumna JLynn Hausmann's Nebraska roots drive a brand concept


TMFD alumna JLynn Hausman (B.S. Merchandising, 2004) is the founder and creative principal/designer of her own company, JHaus Brand.  Senior TMFD (Communications) major, Averi Melcher, met with Hausmann to talk about her Nebraska roots and how they influenced her design and brand concepts.

View TMFD alumna JLynn Hausmann's Nebraska roots drive a brand concept Article