Strong Application for Internship Program Matching

What Does a Strong Application for Internship Program Matching Look Like?

Generally speaking, UNL students successfully matched to a dietetic internship program have the following qualities:

  1.  Overall cumulative GPA above a 3.5
  2. Science courses GPA above a 3.0 (with a maximum of one grade of C in a science course/lab)
  3. Nutrition courses GPA above a 3.5 (no grade below a B)
  4. Work experiences that are dietetic-related (health care, summer food program, long-term care facility, diabetes or weight control camps, grocery store, etc.)
  5. Work experiences that develop strong interpersonal skills, opportunities to interact with a variety of individuals in a variety of settings
  6. Experiences that developed and demonstrated leadership
  7. Variety of volunteer experiences