Dietetic Internship Program Completion Requirements/Verification Statement

Dietetic interns must successfully complete the designated experiences and assignments related to each of the required accreditation competencies in order to receive verification of completion of the dietetic internship program.  In order to receive a certificate and verification of completion of the Dietetic Internship Program:

  1. Dietetic interns must satisfactorily complete assignments and experiences for each rotation as designated in the curriculum plan and by the dietitians in the affiliating institutions.  Satisfactory completion will be based on:   

        a.  Demonstration of entry-level knowledge and performance skills as indicated on evaluation forms documenting a level of 3,4 or 5 for each competency evaluated.

        b.  Demonstration of behavioral characteristics and ethics appropriate to the profession of dietetics.

        c.  Attainment of a minimum 3.0 grade point average in graduate courses completed.

  2. Arrangements must be made to correct any assignments or experiences which were not satisfactorily completed.
  3. Dietetic interns will register for six hours of NUTR 875 Applied Dietetic Practice and Concepts.  In order to receive a final grade, the dietetic intern must complete all aspects of the program in a satisfactory manner.

The maximum amount of time for completing the program is 18 months from enrollment in the fall semester prior to beginning the supervised practice component of the internship program in January.

All interns who have successfully completed the requirements for the program will be granted a certificate and Verification Statement of completion of the internship program and will be eligible to sit for the RD examination.  Each intern will receive copies of the Verification Statement along with a certificate confirming successful completion of all program requirements.  Copies of the Verification Statements will be retained by the department.