Student Identification Verification in Distance Learning

This policy is to ensure that the program operates in compliance with the requirements of The United States Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act related to student identity in distance education courses.  The intent is to ensure that the student registering for the course is the same as the student who participates in the course and receives course credit.

The TrueYou Identify manager is a UNL management system used to ensure accounts are managed securely. All students must claim their TrueYou identity and establish a password before accessing services, including Canvas, the learning management system, and other distance learning technologies. Students verify their account with personally identifying information.  Students are required to create secure questions and associated answers to be used in the event that they need to change their password or reclaim their TrueYou Identity manager password.  Two-factor authentication is used to secure all accounts.

Professional Studies in Dietetics Specialization