Grand Challenges Conversations
UNL Grand Challenge Updates:
Thanks to all faculty and staff who participated in CEHS’ Grand Challenge Conversation Series! We would like to continue supporting efforts for CEHS members to form or join teams, define a vision and goals for a grand challenge area, conceptualize programs or projects to address a grand challenge, and develop proposals. Please reach out to Associate Dean for Research and Creative Activity Sue Sheridan ( as soon as possible if you are planning to work on a proposal (in any role), or if you would like to discuss Grand Challenge opportunities further.
Please consider attending the following:
- “CEHS Grand Challenge Conversation Updates” is a virtual meeting providing an opportunity to follow up on ideas already explored, schedule follow up meetings on Grand Challenge topics, and discuss opportunities being offered through ORED. The next conversation is scheduled for Nov. 10, noon – 1 p.m.
Registration is required and a Zoom link will be sent to you upon registration.