Barkley Speech Language and Hearing Clinic
The Clinic is located on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's East Campus and provides services for individuals with speech, language, hearing, and other disabilities. Services for individuals with speech, language, hearing and other disabilities are available as a part of academic programs in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology. The center also houses the Sertoma Hearing Aid Bank, which is available to assist clients who need hearing aids but lack the resources to buy them.
Buros Center for Testing
The Buros Center for Testing shares its expertise in assessment-related endeavors by providing critical appraisals of tests and descriptive information, offering psychometric consultation services, and developing deeper understanding of testing and assessment practices. We function as the world’s premier test review center, as well as a provider of outreach efforts related to our mission to improve testing, assessment and measurement practices through consultation and education, with special emphases in psychology and education. The Oscar K. Buros Library of Mental Measurements houses the largest collection of commercially available tests in the world.
The Buros Center operates as an independent, non-profit organization within the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The Center is housed in the Department of Educational Psychology in the College of Education and Human Sciences.
Center for Instructional Innovation
With a staff research professors, postdoctoral fellows, graduate assistants, and staff, CII brings a wide range of expertise to instructional design and evaluation projects, including cognitive psychology, language and literacy, computer science, evaluation and web design.
The Counseling and School Psychology Clinic
The Counseling and School Psychology Clinic conducts psychological and educational evaluations of children and youth to address referral questions from parents/caregivers and or schools. In addition, clinic therapists provide individual child and adult therapy to address a wide range of referral concerns.
Couple and Family Clinic
The Couple and Family Clinic is an award-winning, non-profit facility that provides counseling to individuals, couples and families. Advanced Marriage and Family Therapy graduate students staff the Center. Therapy sessions are closely supervised by experienced clinicians who are licensed Marriage and Family Therapists and Approved Supervisors of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
International Quilt Museum
The IQM collection currently holds over 2300 quilts. The Center collects, preserves and studies quilts, which span many time periods, cultures, and countries. Additionally, the Center is a world leader in quilt studies, promoting the art of quilts and quiltmaking. The collection offers a comprehensive and accessible collection of quilts, related textiles, and documents that offer opportunities for study, insight, and inspiration.
Kit and Dick Schmoker Reading Center
The center provides quality literacy instruction for children struggling with reading and writing. It provides service to the community, training for CEHS students, and conducts literacy. Instruction is individualized for each child with the goal that each improve reading skills, gain greater confidence as a reader, and develop a love for reading.
The National Center for Research on Rural Education (R2Ed)
This center was funded in July, 2009 for five years by the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences (IES), is housed in the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools (CYFS) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The long-term goals of the Rural Education Center are to (a) improve in rural settings students' acquisition of reading and science knowledge and skills by identifying effective practices that lead to the systematic provision of evidence-based instruction in rural settings; and (b) establish an infrastructure for conducting and disseminating nationally-relevant, cutting-edge research and leadership related to rural education.
Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics & Psychometrics
The mission of the Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics & Psychometrics is to promote the advancement of methodologies and analytics to support and enhance rigorous, substantive research within the educational, social and behavioral sciences. MAP Academy emphasizes applied, field-relevant research, and supports statistics and methodology associated with generating and translating knowledg
MAP Academy faculty expertise spans general areas of social, behavioral and education science methodologies. Faculty backgrounds include research design, applied statistics, latent variable modeling, psychometrics, longitudinal research, program evaluation, mixed methods and qualitative research.
This wide range of faculty experience in the application of modern statistical methods and advanced research designs enables MAP Academy faculty to collaborate with scientists from various disciplines to help promote the design and implementation of methodologically sound research, and to provide effective grant-writing support to help optimize UNL’s research
The MAP Academy is housed within the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools (CYFS).
The Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools
The mission of the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools is to advance the conduct of high quality interdisciplinary research to promote the intellectual, behavioral, and social-emotional development and functioning of individuals across educational, familial, and community contexts. Central to this is enhancing our understanding of how these complex systems work dynamically to support the future of our nation.
Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases through Dietary Molecules (NPOD)
NPOD is an NIH funded research center seeking innovative approaches to combating major health threats to our nation. Research is focused on nutrients in our diet and the potential nutrients have for decreasing obesity and related diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Nebraska Prevention Center for Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Founded in 1979, the Nebraska Prevention Center for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NPCADA) provides leadership and technical assistance to government, educational and voluntary organizations working to prevent health-risk behaviors, such as alcohol and other drug use, particularly among adolescents and young adults.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is a membership-based lifelong learning program for adults 50 years plus. OLLI offers non-credit courses, events, travel opportunities and lectures. There are no tests, and no grades. OLLI is about the joy of learning.
The Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery
The Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery is devoted to the exhibition of textiles—from art to apparel, from east to west, from past to present, and from emerging artists to the acclaimed.
The gallery is dedicated to Dr. Robert Hillestad, an internationally renowned fiber artist and professor emeritus of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design.
Ruth Staples Child Development Laboratory
The Ruth Staples Child Development Laboratory provides high quality programs for preschool aged children, opportunities for UNL students to learn about child development and early childhood education, and excellent research facilitates for faculty and students. The Children's Programs are among only 9% in the nation that are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, and have been in operation since 1925.